July 04, 2013


A sweet friend picked me up at 6am to drive me 2hrs away to my doctor appointment at OHSU. (Thanks Jane!). And another sweet friend took my 3 youngest girls from 9am to 5pm.  (Love you, Chris).  Another friend brought dinner for our family.  (Ines- you are a saint.  Happy Birthday!). People are so kind.

I was a bit of a mess going to my appointment- with a catheter that wasn't working, a ziplock full of medicine and my very own wheel chair.

Turns out my bladder is full of disintegrating sutchers (string) and lots of mucusy sluff stuff that clogs a catheter minutes after it's inserted.  So, I'm on my own.  Trying to potty every hour to keep my tiny bladder from getting too full.

I put on real-live panties this evening!!  And, I could wear pajamas!!  

When I first got my catheter we figured out that all I could wear was maxi skirts.  My cute husband went to stores around Portland and bought me about 10 skirts. I felt loved every time I wore one.  

And-- I got a new, fancy walker today.
I went from this...
To this fancy thing...
I got the upgrade for free from a company Love Inc.  Inc stands for in the name of Christ.  So nice.

So-- no catheter!  It is pretty guaranteed that I will need another bladder surgery but that will have to happen in New York because I need more time to heal before the surgery.  Sigh.  I am grateful to be alive and this bladder stuff is something I can handle- most days.  Sometimes it is just one more thing and I cry every time urine spills down my legs into my compression socks.  My mom calls me Sweet Pee.  Ha!

And... Guess what else?!  
We bought a house.
With 10 acres.
White rail fences.
A barn.
A pond.
A big, beautiful pool.
A fenced in small yard with a swing set.
My mother in law says the house is so cute and in such a well manicured condition it is like a real-live doll house.

The house itself is smaller than our house now, but it is still big and will work fine (2400 sq ft not counting the finished basement).  If we want to renovate later it would be easy for us to make the kitchen bigger or add on a few bedrooms (it has 4).  

I feel like this house is a real blessing.  If I were to draw my dream house, I think it would look like this house.  I think it's funny that that God is blessing us with a beautiful home and barn and land for horses or cows or sheep, and I can still barely walk.  Sigh... I've got a ways to go until  I'm healed- but it's coming.

My mom cares for me so well.  I can't even tell you how grateful I am for her.

Tonight Anna watched my dressing change.  I'm surprised she wasn't grossed out- I am.
(Yeah-- I know these pictures are pretty gross.  Sorry.)

My family is darling.  I love being home.  My baby is the sweetest fella ever.
Life is good.

I told Todd all I want for Christmas was a real-live pony.  :). I could hear his sigh over the phone... He's thinking 10 acres might be worse than pregnant guinea pigs.  Ha.  

Sorry I'm talking so much about myself these days...  I am a bit self focused.
Well- focused on myself and my cute baby.


  1. Beautiful house, even more beautiful baby. I liked all the size comparison shots.

    Dan says Anna's going to be a doctor some day.

    (Chad let me use his account :) )

  2. The house looks WONDERFUL!!! (the wound does not) & Ben is adorable. Happy day Jen. You're slowly getting there, day by day. I really am excited that you are moving to a part of the world that was so special to me. Love you! Think about snow tires.

  3. Congrats on the new house! So beautiful with the pool and green hills to the pasture. A great place for your complete family to enjoy...

  4. So glad you are doing better. Beautiful new home for a beautiful family. We miss you!

  5. Gorgeous home!!! I am so happy for you.

  6. Now I have that old 50s (or is it 60s?) song stuck in my head...."Oh, Sweet Pea, come on and dance with me." Maybe you should plant sweet peas at your new house!

    I'm glad things are healing and life is marching onward.

  7. Love the house!!!!! And your new fancy smancy walker! ;)

    Yay for getting better! ;)

  8. Jen, I knew that somehow we were kindred spirits. If I could describe my perfect house that would be it. It is so gorgeous and will be so much fun for you and your family. The grounds are amazing. What a blessing.

    I had the same thought about Anna- and bless her for helping with that when some kids would get grossed out.

    We continue to pray for your recovery and for your sweet family.

  9. Your new home is beautiful- I'm so happy for you!

  10. Amazing home and land!! Perfect for 8 kids!!

  11. You DO have a cute baby! Your property sounds amazing! You are so blessed to have the mother and mother-in-law that you do! All the other stuff does not sound fun AT ALL. I'm praying for your recovery.

    The picture of Anna watching the dressing change is hilarious!

  12. I've been so curious-george, trying to picture this whole "healing from the inside out" thing... and, WHOA!:-) I love Anna, and I love all your sweet helpers who change the dressing for you & keep it clean! You are doing great!

    (I also love that the Professor is the one who bought all your maxi skirts--LOVE THAT! I kept wondering where you got all your cute skirts...!)

    Darling, darling house, and barn, and land, and pond, and pool. I really can't think of anyone who deserves that more than you! I kept praying for Todd & your MIL that they would find you a fabulous house... and they TOTALLY did!

    And I just want to snuggle that Ben of yours. You know, like when you're out & about on your souped-up walker! :-)
    LOVE YOU!!!

  13. my mom left me a voicemail and summed up the house...

    a perfect ending or the perfect beginning?!

    whatever it is-we are so happy for you and I love imagining your children on 10 acres with their amazing momma making them dinner, or creating a great summer program or doing one of the many amazing things you do!

  14. Oh Jen, I had an incision come open after a surgery and it had to heal like yours...from the inside out! I remember packing it and cleaning it out everyday, what a mess. My bonus was that I got to go to physical therapy everyday and sit in a whirlpool bath of antibiotics. That was the
    ONLY good part. Hang in there, you'll close up eventually...I'm saying that enthusiastically :0)

  15. Oh Jen, I had an incision come open after a surgery and it had to heal like yours...from the inside out! I remember packing it and cleaning it out everyday, what a mess. My bonus was that I got to go to physical therapy everyday and sit in a whirlpool bath of antibiotics. That was the
    ONLY good part. Hang in there, you'll close up eventually...I'm saying that enthusiastically :0)

  16. What troupers you all are! Give Anna a big hug for me --- yes, I do believe she might have to think about a career in the medical field! Off to a great start!
    Your new home sounds amazing! The perfect setting for your family. Todd did good! :) It won't be long until you will be planning an amazing garden instead of perfecting your yoda-walk. Ha! :)
    Your belly looks better than I had pictured in my head... Kudos to all your fabulous "nurses"! Looks like you are in good hands... ❤
    Jen, your photos of your precious Benjamin are AMAZING! Photography is ANOTHER one of your gifts...
    Will continue to pray for your healing and recovery... You are on your way, my friend! ❤
    Thank you for your prayers for my Josh and the band... God is good --- He has this! 🙏


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