August 09, 2013

Home. (Again.)

Yes, I am released from the hospital.
I suppose I'm feeling better.
I'm not myself.
I'm cranky.
I'm not hungry.
I can't sleep.
I hurt and feel pretty sick to my stomach.
(Millions of antibiotics have wrecked havoc on my bowels.)
I'm not feeling particularly grateful.
I'm pretty much sick of being sick.
It is good to be home.
My babies are all growing up while I'm away.
Yesterday, Lily asked me to read her a bedtime story.  She said she can't even remember if I know how to read.
Broke my sick little heart...
The End.


  1. Hi Jen- I've never posted but I love your blog and outlook on life. I consider you an advanced practitioner in areas of life that I myself am still new to. There are days when your writings have really helped me push through difficult moments as a mom, wife and person. I mean REALLY helped me and I thank you for that. I have been reading about your most recent health challenges and they sound intense, painful and so hard to endure. I sincerely hope you start feeling better soon and pray for your speedy recovery and return to all things you enjoy in your daily life... Annie, Portland, OR

  2. Hi Jen -- I'm so glad you are home with your family. I put your name on the Temple prayer roll again today, so many more prayers will be offered on your behalf. Stay strong. You and your family are loved.

  3. Being sick of being sick, feeling frustrated, feeling angry, being ready to be well again...these are all good signs. If you were passive, then I would be worried. I am so sorry you are having so many challenges, and I so very much look forward to the day when you are past this. But in the meantime let your body do its magic and grumble you!!!! xx

  4. One day at a time, sweet friend! You all have been through so much these past months... Many lessons learned and so many miracles witnessed!
    Keep taking good care, Jen, and soon this chapter will be just a distant memory. Many soft shoulders out here for you, so vent away! Sandra is right when she said that your feelings are normal, and being passive is worrisome. Somehow, I don't see you as passive... 😎
    Grab a book and show Lily "you still have it"...❤

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So so sorry. Tomorrow will be better :)

  7. It's amazing, Jen. Even though you're in pain, sick of being sick, cranky at the way things are, you look absolutely gorgeous. There is a light around you, Jen. Hold on to it, and let it carry you through, even griping all the way :-) Love you!

  8. Despite the challenges that have come your way you still continue to inspire through your strength. Thank You:) Thoughts and prayers from southern UT.


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