August 30, 2013

Are we there yet?

Hi friends!
We arrived late last night in Syracuse.
We're living in a hotel and visiting with my aunt and uncle who live nearby.

Sweet people from our church here (that we have yet to meet), left us a darling welcome basket at the front desk. (Thank you!)
I felt grateful (once again) for kind people and an instant church family.

Our good friends in Philomath just texted Todd a picture of boogers on the wall of our old girls' room.  They are cleaning our home for us and knew we'd get a good laugh.
I love those booger-cleaning folk.

I miss them.
I miss me.

I will say-- EVERYONE and their mother in law told me how beautiful up-state New York is.  EVERYONE said I would love it.  I listened, but I did not believe them.

Deep down I knew Oregon was the most beautiful place on Earth.
Guess what?

It is really, really charming here.
Really, corn fields, rolling hills, green, prancing horses, darling New England style houses, beautiful.
It's literally breath-taking.
I still haven't seen inside my new house, but looking over our land brings tears to my eyes.  

As we drive around I just keep whispering to myself loudly so I can hear, "This is a place you would dream about!"  They have horse and carriage crossing signs.  I get to live the small town life I've always dreamed of- it is a gift.  This place is my Daddy Warbuck's mansion.  I really think I'm gonna like it here.

I feel in my soul that it is a blessing to live here.  I feel so grateful for the people who created such a beautiful home for me to raise my family in.

I will baptize you in pictures once my life slows down.

Today-- I feel tired but grateful to be alive.
I'm still sick to my stomach.  Before I left they had me get two bags of IV saline solution to combat my dehydration.  I feel a lot better not dehydrated, but I'm still loosing fluid faster than I can drink it.  That scares me a bit.

My kids are doing amazingly wonderful.  They are normal good kids.  I'm afraid we will all destroy each other if we don't get some form of normal soon.  They start school next week and it doesn't look like we will be closing on our house anytime soon.  Blah.  

I have more help than I deserve.  At a time when I want to wear black yoga pants, avoid showering and watch reruns of Say Yes to the Dress, I'm making first impressions.  I'm surrounded by people and decisions when I want leftovers and a long, quiet nap.  I really don't want to need help.  I want- to fall asleep for this trip and wake-up when I'm "there".  Are we there YET?

Do you know my baby is almost 3 months old?  Even as I'm whining about timing, I feel God's touch in my timing.  His plan is always better than mine.  I remember that..

I feel so odd driving around streets that are so unfamiliar but will soon become my everyday.  

I feel a bit like a child on Christmas morning.  I'm surrounded by gifts-- new people to meet, places to see, stores to learn, country roads to drive down, a home to create...  
Christmas morning and I just want to sleep in.  (I'm not quite finished with my gifts from last year).  I think by Valentine's day I'll catch the Christmas spirit.  Sigh.

Everything is New here.
New York is stunning.
And I am really (at least trying to be) excited to be here!
Life is good!


  1. You will love it there-we have fond memories of our time in upstate. One of these years we'll have to come for a visit. :)

  2. Welcome! I'm a few hours south of you and it is a beautiful place to live. You've had so many changes, trauma, and drama this year--it's going to take more time this move than the others, I'm sure, to acclimate and settle and embrace. It will come. Glad you were well enough to make the trip! God bless you and your family in this new chapter in your lives. (And when you're up to it, definitely take your little kids to the Museum of Play in Rochester!) {hugs}

  3. Jeff and I honey moooned in up-state NY...we'd live there in a heart beat except I think my parents would go nuts and were still feeling the pull of "the vine" :). Sounds like y'all have been seriously blessed!

  4. Glad you arrived safe and sound! Upstate New York is truly a beautiful place. My favorite season is just around the corner with the changing fall foliage, apple cider, pumpkins patches - your family will have a blast making memories!

    So glad church members are already there and willing extend a hand.

  5. I hope you will be completely healed soon. I am amazed at your strength. I have just come across your blog and I have to sau it scares me a but since I have been just diagnosed with placenta percreta at 21 weeks of pregnancy. I already know the placenta had grown into my bladder but that is all we know right now. We have our next appt two weeks from now and will discuss the treatment plan with my doctor.
    I just showedy husband your 21 week blog to tell hin what to expect. After that I came across the rest.
    I am glad you are alive and it dies give me hope. Even though as a ICU nurse I know about all the things that can go wrong.
    You are in my prayers

    And I love your new house

    1. Sweet Christine! I am alive and I have a darling baby!! The past few months have been my hardest and best ever. God bless you and your family. Angels are near! My case was very extreme-- hope yours isn't that bad. But, I would still say it IS worth it!! Keep in touch!!

  6. It sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Some good friends of ours Shane and Kathryn Bird just recently moved near Syracuse. My nephew is also serving in that mission, Elder Bevan. If he serves in your area spoil him, he is a great missionary!


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