September 09, 2013


I am discharged from the hospital and the sun is shining!
My in-laws arrived last night and my husband is closing on our house as we speak.
(He made it so I didn't have to be there- in case I was still incarcerated.)

Tully, NY is so beautiful.
I walked through our new house just moments ago.  The house itself is bigger than I thought it would be.  It is spotlessly clean and everything is well cared for.  It isn't brand new (almost every home I've lived in so far has been brand new) and I'm excited to decorate and update over time.  I think this house will be perfect for us.

The barn makes me giddy with anticipation.  The yard and fields are picture perfect.  Eve played for 30 minutes, by herself, on the fenced in swing set.

Honestly, my heart is full of gratitude towards the sweet couple who cared for this land the past 20 years.  They created a beautiful home, they built a place that will shape and mold me and mine.  You can feel their touch throughout the whole property, and these people were good.  I'm so grateful for them.  I'm grateful to be here.  I'm grateful for the family that is taking such good care of us.

Yes, over the past three (!!) months I have lost much.  But, I'm beginning to see how much I've gained.  My baby is precious.  3 months is such a sweet age, he coos and smiles anytime you look at him.  He is darling.  Our life here will be good.  Good schools, good people, good land, a good job, we're closer to our east coast family... This is a great place to raise my children.   I am still healing, my doctors say I should wear compression socks the rest of my life, but I am alive and very blessed.

The end of my speech... And the beginning of my new life.
Life is good!


  1. This post made me smile. Shine on kiddo. Shine on.

  2. You are missed missed missed missed missed! Glad you are home, glad you see the positives and are loving where you are at. But know we miss you. Ellie asks when we can go to NY! I'm sorry you were in the hospital again, but I guess it was God's way to make sure you met those doctors! I know you secretly wanted to hide from them :-) One step at a time, one day at time, you will heal. Love ya Jen! And give Lilly and Eve a HUGE hug from Sis. Dye and Ellie.

  3. I don't think I have commented before....but I found your blog a few months ago, and wanted to tell you how much you inspire me. I am a mother of 5. Ages 1 year - 12 years. Thank you for reminding me what an amazing work it is that we as Mothers do. It is hard work, gross work, and at times I have wondered if I make a difference. But, when I read your blog I am reminded that I am making a difference. I am raising spirits who will one day be adults leading this world. Who will be parents of their own sweet babies. And with the Lord's help, I am molding them into the amazing people they can become!!! And who better to help them do that then their own Mother?!
    Thank you. Thank you for making the hard days that much easier. For helping me remember that this is a great work I am doing!!!
    I hope you have a great weekend with your family. Your children are beautiful!!!

    1. Hi Camille! Thanks for commenting! You are making a difference. Yes, being a mother is quite an experience!!

  4. Oh, and I wanted forgot to add that even though it is hard work, and gross, it is also the most amazing and REWARDING work I have ever done too.

  5. Hi Jen! I just spent 2 hours reading your entire journey on my iPhone as my husband and daughter sleep peacefully...something I pray to do again soon. I too was diagnosed with a large percreta at 20 weeks. I am set to deliver Sept 18 at Ochsner hospital in New Orleans (only 5 days away)...I too am very spiritual but I am very anxious about how the surgery will go. Like Ben,my baby boy is expected to be tiny but healthy...everyone is just worried about moi...I've had 2 blood drives in my name and have received 68 pints...I pray to not have to use any but that is unlikely and maybe non-realistic. I hate to ramble on and on about my problem which you are all too familiar with are my hero! I love your positive attitude, powerful faith, and sense of humor. I hope I can come out on the other side of all this with your beautiful outlook. You are my hero! Melissa Ogden, Mandeville, La.

    1. Melissa!! Good luck friend!!! If we had to do the surgery over, I would have them deliver the baby and then wait for the placenta to shrink before doing the hysterectomy. Some hospitals are doing it that way. I'm not sure that it would have worked for me, but looking backwards it might have made things easier.

      Every time a woman chooses to create life, she is putting her life at risk for another soul. It is a beautiful symbol of Christ. Angels will be near as you prepare. I can't wait to hear how your surgery goes! I wish you could spend an afternoon with me, holding my big, chunky baby boy. He is soooo worth it!!
      My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!

  6. As if you aren't bust enough... we want pictures! We want to see that beautiful baby and the whole family!

    1. I know!! I'm slowly getting my mojo back. Taking pictures is a part of my other life that I'm anxious to reclaim.
      Pictures soon... Keep asking...

  7. You are making we want to move to upstate NewYork. Sound like a beautiful place. My husband and so are ready for small town living after being in the crazy bay area for 8 years


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