October 01, 2013

Blah. Blah. Bladders.

Sitting in a waiting room, waiting for another surgery.
My arms are still bruised from last week's IVs.

Today I hope they remove my stent (not a big fan of rods in my ureters) and fix everything else magically.
I'm also hoping that my doctor rocked Super Mario Brothers when he was younger.  Because, I think he'll be using those skills to maneuver inside of me.

Can I tell you something?
As scarred and tired as my little body is, I really love my body.
I'm amazed at how well it heals itself.
My body has born me eight beautiful children and it is really amazing at handling poking and prodding and human intervention.
We have a high pain tolerance, my body and I.
I sometimes feel sad that my body has been through so much, but mostly I feel amazed and grateful.
The human body is incredible.
Only a God could have designed something so intricate and resilient.

I feel confidant that I'm on my way to strong and healthy again.  
Kidneys and bladders and ureters and arteries and veins... They can be pretty messed up and still heal and function again.
I know that I am not my body.
And yet I am so grateful for my body.
It's a good one.

Pray for my sweet surgeon today.
Dr. Lam
Hope he's really great at rescuing princesses.  :)

Post surgery update--
Well, I still have a stent.  It looks like my left ureter got accidentally stitched during my big surgery.  I'm a mess inside.  They were sewing my insides while I was gushing blood and swollen to over 200lbs.  Can you imagine?  It must have been like trying to sew together wet tissue paper.  I can hardly sew a button on a dry, non-living shirt.  Surgeons amaze me.  
I may loose a kidney, but hopefully just a few inches of ureter.

I have pictures of the top of my vaginal opening that was stitched closed with purple stitches and there was a metal clamp left on.  It's messy and making it hard for my fistula to heal.  Probably explains my frequent infections.
They are looking for another really great and brave surgeon who can operate on me sometime this winter.  They will have to cut my tummy open again-- scary.  But hopefully they'll get things all fixed up.

As I see pictures of my insides, and have read the reports of what happened to me, my heart is full of love for those that operated on me that day.  What a hard, scary job they had.  I'm so thankful for brave doctors who were willing to fight in the trenches for me and my baby.
Everything is going to be ok.
Thank God for the miracles of modern medicine.
I'm going to go take a nap!!


  1. You don't know me, but I am praying for you! You got this girl! Thank you for your sweet example of faith.

  2. Wow. Our bodies are truly amazing. Hang in there!

  3. Jen, you are a body builder! And now your body is slowly trying to rebuild itself after giving its all to build those eight beautiful children. It takes time...and patience....and great surgeons...and a woman with a family full of faith. Oh, and a multitude of friends who pray for you every single day. :) Love you!

  4. Glad the surgery went well-ish :-) I am grateful for all those brave doctors, too!!!

    You're in my prayers, as always...

  5. Your comment about hoping your doctor is really great at "rescuing princesses" makes me smile. Because when I think of you I think of a beautiful, creative, kind, warm, brilliant, fun, courageous, powerful, strong, daring, wise, delightful, optimistic, confident, dreaming, peaceful, imaginative, trusting hopeful, wonderful princess named Jen! Yes everything is going to be ok! :)

  6. Jen I am praying for you. I am amazed with the amount of grace and strength you have gone trough this ordeal.
    I am 25 weeks today. Another milestone reached but they are keeping me in the hospital since the drive to the hospital would take to long if I start bleeding.

  7. Jen I am praying for you. I am amazed with the amount of grace and strength you have gone trough this ordeal.
    I am 25 weeks today. Another milestone reached but they are keeping me in the hospital since the drive to the hospital would take to long if I start bleeding.


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