October 10, 2013

A room to live in...

love this room.
want to live in it.
Recovering takes a lot of energy and mind-space.
Things that I used to love (like birthday parties, holidays, decorating, etc.) just seemed like such a waste of time. 
I really didn't care where my pictures were hung or how my furniture was placed.

In some ways, near-death-experiences are good because they help put things in perspective.
Once I was sitting on the toilet in my new house (I do this often).
All around me, the floor and walls are cream, the woodwork is wood, the tub and toilets are khaki colored.
I imagined painting the walls and woodwork white, and then changing the tile floor and replacing the tub and toilet.
I thought of the time and money that it would cost to make these changes.
What a huge waste of life.
There are people in the world who are starving and I was considering renovations costing thousands of dollars to change the SHADE of white in my house. 
I'm sorry.  It really is shameful how we spend our money sometimes.

I remember my friend Josie who visited from the Philipeans.
She came with me to Target when I spent $40 on tampons and panty liners.
I remember her shock at how much I spent on something so disposable. 
We didn't get into an in depth conversation that day about what she used, but I often think of her pure shock at the excess we have here in America. 

Saying that...
I'm waking up a bit and beginning to make my new home mine.
I can tell I'm feeling better because I'm planning and dreaming and getting excited about Halloween and pictures for my wall.

Want to see some ideas I have for my Living Room?
Not that I'm actually going to buy any furniture any time soon... we are spending all our money on snow blowers and lawn mowers and rakes and wheel barrows and snow tires.
But, someday I will get new furniture and today I'm liking blue/brown.
Please forgive my non-sources.  I just saved pictures from the internet onto my phone and didn't save the source.  I really should look stuff up on Pinterest, but I'm not there yet. 

I love these rooms...


And these curtains...

I love these color combos and these pictures show me that I love fun throw pillows...





 I like darker blue also... darker blue vs lighter blue, hmmmm?

 Don't you love these couches from Macy's?  They're Martha Stewart.


 I kind of want to combine a fancy couch with a sectional like these from JC Penney...

 And a few accessories...


It feels good to dream again!
Life is good.


  1. When I lived in PA I had blue couches, loves them in spring and fall but in winter they seemed to add to the darkness. Mine were navy. Just a thought.
    Do you ever look at Lakeside Collections? They have an adorable snowman box to keep salt and a shovel handy by the door.

  2. Okay, now I just want to snuggle up near you (with me holding Benjamin, of course!) on of these couches, in one of these rooms, and gab for hours and hours and hours and hours. I mean, if I'm being specific about "my" dreams! :-)
    LOVE YOU!!!

  3. Yep! She is coming back.

    Love the dreamy rooms--I would happily take of them, myself.
    You've given me a new idea for the ceiling we are having issues with (looks like one of the rooms has beadboard on the ceiling--cool)!

    Go darker blue in throws, not the walls. I am currently looking for the perfect blue-gray color for my kitchen walls (it goes well with cream AND true white).


  4. My heart smiled reading about your plans for your new home! I betcha didn't think a heart could actually smile, but it did! :)
    Like Tiffany, I want to curl up on one of the cushy couches with you with kids all around, hug on little Benjamin, and listen to your story....yes, all over again! ❤️

  5. ❤Hi there so happy for this post thinkikng about furnishing so its life again i like ikea and there ideas for me my near death experains (well nothing near what you v been throw ) now icant stop spending money lool i want to chaing my living room and the front yard tail and iam planing a trip to the US next summer hope to meet you there


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