October 31, 2013


Here's just a sneak peek of our Halloween fun..,

I believe our family does NERD naturally.


  1. A friend of mine mentioned your recent trials and pregnancy in her last R.S. lesson at church. Unfortunately I wasn't there to hear the lesson so she directed me to your blog. That night, I spent 3 hours reading, laughing and crying and feeling completely inspired by your posts. Your blog has been an answer to my prayers. I have been back every day since because I feel inspired to be a better mother every time I read your past and current posts. I, like you, always wanted to be a mother and have children since I was a kid myself but have found it to be the hardest and most taxing thing I have ever done. Thank you for the laughs so I can realize it doesn't have to be drudgery, for the inspiration to remind me that my calling is from God, and the WONDERFUL advice. It's so nice to read your honest experiences and know I'm not alone and that I can 'do hard things!' I see my children through new eyes and feel more cheerful about life. I love to learn from your experiences. Thank you for sharing!

    1. How sweet you are!! Thanks for commenting. This (and the fact that writing makes me think better) is why I write my blog.


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