October 15, 2013


Sometimes I try to bathe and dress baby Ben before feeding him breakfast.
He is patient and darling...

Until he decides he has waited long enough.

As soon as he starts to fuss, sisters come from the four corners of our home to coo and soothe.

Oh Ben- you have so many who love you.
Time for breakfast!!


  1. Man, I thought the pics of Ben were cute enough on their own... until I saw the pics w/the girls trying to soothe him! I love all the love! :-)

  2. I just got caught up on the last couple blog posts and love to see youre doing better! I love to hear your stories about teaching your children! You are such an amazing mother and I look up to you so much! I remember being in young women's and learning so much from your example and I'm glad that I can keep up with you and your family!

  3. So cute! I think the youngest ones just get smothered in love and attention. It's so sweet.

  4. Ooooooooooo sooo sweet same is happening here


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