November 05, 2013

:: technology ::
(I can't figure out how to embed this video- but it is 3 minutes long and adorable.  Watch it!! It will inspire you more than I can today.  Ha.)

I did download darling pictures off my camera to my laptop... Only now, I can't figure out how to get my laptop connected to the Internet.
I'm doing laundry.
Shopping was tomorrow, only we're out of milk and eggs and apples.

I'm off to the store.
I re-read some of my posts from the hospital a few months ago.
How I remember the ache I had to gather laundry or push my babies in a shopping cart.
Today, I'll do both!!

We are a blessed people.
Life is lovely.
Laptops are annoying.
(Santa brought me an HP with windows 7 last year... Blah.  One problem after another.)

My laundry just buzzed-- I'm off!!
Enjoy your day!!

PS- eve is fully clothed today. 
So far.

1 comment:

  1. This made me smile this morning, Jen. Laundry AND ONE day!!! Amazing!!! What a road y'all have been on... God is good! ❤️


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