December 12, 2013

Choir concerts, shopping, and a messy table.

Tis the season!
Snow is covering the ground.
Cream of wheat bowls, hot rollers, Santa and Mrs. Claus sit lovingly on our table.
Life is fast and sparkly.  

If I just hop on my sled and enjoy the spray on my face, life is fun.  If I stand at the top of each mountainous day analyzing the hows, whys, whens and shoulds, I feel sick to my stomach.  
Christmas is not a day- it is a mentality.  Christmas is a way of life.
(Just ask the Who's.)
At our house, visions of sugar plums are dancing in our heads while we live Christmas.
I love today!!
Life is jolly and bright!
(Yesterday I went shopping with Eve and Ben.  We went to TJ Max, Target and Wegman's.  Eve calls Wegman's "Wiseman's", she sings "The wiseman built his house upon a rock" the whole time we shop.  She is absolutely adorable and so fun to hang out with.  Ben is a good little guy, I'm still teaching him that he loves to go shopping.  

It was a long day.  There were times that my chunky baby wanted to be held as I pushed my overflowing cart through the store.  I passed an old lady who was using a walker on my way out of a store.  A sense of accomplishment washed over me.  I chuckled to myself.  I am proud of passing sweet, old ladies.  Ha!

I can do this!  I am stronger today than I have been in a long time.  Yes, I have another surgery in January that will knock me back a few months... But, I'll recover again.  Just a time-out, not a red card.  :)

How can anyone grumble that you must while overlooking the fact that you CAN?! Really?  Really!  It's great to have a long list of To Do!  It means you can DO!!!)

Enjoy today!
Merry Christmas!!!


  1. Ellie looks SO pretty in those pics!!

  2. I remember Wegman's. Do they still have a little cafe with pizza? I loved the one with white sauce and Ryan liked the buffalo chicken one. Good stuff. Little Ben is so chubby-darling.


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