December 03, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Ben's first food-- Thanksgiving mashed potatoes!
He LOVES food.  We LOVE him.

 We had Todd's brother's family over (David, Rebekah, Eli, Adam, Gabe, Isaac and Joy), the Roberson's .(Ted, Robin, Katelyn, Ashley, Ezra, Ivan, and Owen), and Sister Wood.
It was fun and casual.
We were very grateful!


  1. The food all looks amazing! I could make a meal out of those creamed peas alone! So happy you all had a wonderful holiday.

  2. There is nothing better than having our home filled with people we love and yummy food to fill our bellies! Looks like you had a beautiful day, Jen. To say I am grateful that you are here to to have shared it with your loved ones.....well.....that puts it lightly. You are so amazing. With every single blog you share, you teach us and you inspire us all. Blessings to you and your beautiful family this holiday season!!! ❤️

  3. Looks amazing. Glad you had a great day


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