January 09, 2014

A House of Holiness to The Lord

I'm here today...
It is beautiful.  

Wish you could see the inside- oh how the sun shines through these windows.
It's heavenly.

The last time I was inside a temple, I was still in a wheel chair.  I hardly had the strength to sit up in the car as we drove to Portland with friends.

I had to use the bathroom before the session started and I was so sick.  I sat on the toilet until a sweet, angel matron knocked on the door and asked if I was ok.  Todd was worried and they were holding the whole session for me.

Today tears of gratitude filled my soul.
I walk, my loins and bowels function, and I am stronger!

Love this holy place!
Soo good to be back!
Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. I learned a lot from this post. Thank you!


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