January 25, 2014

Yes we did.

Hello blog- meet Rocco.

Yes, we adopted a 10 week old Australian Shepherd mutt from a local shelter (who got him from Alabama).  He is smaller than a golden retriever and has blue eyes.
(We think he'll look like this when he grows up- with shorter hair.)
I had contacted many breeders, read too many books, scoured the Internet and you tube, prayed, and visited local shelters-- looking for a dog or puppy that felt right.  
We had a litter of beagle puppies due in April that we were leaning towards.  This morning the manager of one of the shelters I'd visited called me and told me about 30 puppies that they had just received.  She encouraged me to come look and promised I would know if it was right.
We knew.  This sweet dog was quiet and calm, but not afraid.  He bopped around the other dogs with his tail wagging.  We were looking for a middle energy dog, and I think we found him.  I still haven't heard him bark and he is so smart.
Rocco is officially Jakob's dog. 
Jakob paid for him, picked him out, named him, takes him potty every hour, cleans up all messes, and is doing a beautiful job training him.
We are a house full of dog whisperers.
I'm humble and nervous, but very happy.  This dog feels like my oldest son- easy, good, fun and a bit resilient.  I'm certain we will make mistakes (I just watched a YouTube about bringing your dog home, and we've already made a few mistakes), but I have a feeling this pup will do just fine.
A friend of mine, who has a darling dog of her own, came with us to the shelter.  I'm not sure I could have done it without her positive, calm energy.  Thanks Bryn!  She also offered to puppy-sit while I am in the hospital for my next surgery!  Isn't that so nice?  I couldn't have gotten a puppy now if it weren't for that offer.
Oh my.
We have a dog.
I feel... Healthy, normal, and excited to prove that I can handle my pack.
I'm nervous but grateful. 
Really, really you should feel how this pup fits into our family.
He will help me train my own pups to keep their toys picked up, their shoes in the garage, and to keep home a calm, positive environment.  
I feel he will be a great project for Jakob at a time when Jakob needs a project and a friend.
We have a lot of love to give this fella.
Life is too short NOT to adopt a pound puppy every now and then.  
Look at those ears!  Oh my- how could I resist him?!
Just FYI- Todd is totally on board, although he insists he does not clean up after dogs.
We shall see... ;)
Dogs are good.  
(At least after one day.)


  1. Cute puppy! Eyes look green in the photos. What is that hole on his right side near the back?

    1. We think it's a birthmark- maybe just needs a bath? Dunno yet.

  2. We had a black and white aussie mutt growing up (got her for my 14th birthday) and she was the best dog we ever had. Congrats to your family!

  3. Fun! We got a rescue dog last December and my kids love, love, love her. I constantly remind the dog that we are the best thing that ever happened to her. :)

  4. I just have to say this- once.
    I do NOT like dogs. I love people, I am not a natural animal lover. BUT, I do love my children and I think a dog will be both a helper and a tool for us to use when raising our children.
    Rocco is NOT my pet-- he is my childrens' (especially Jakob) piano lessons with benefits. We got Rocco to help us fill time constructively because we like animals and outdoors better than computer games and bored children. This is the truth. (Don't tell my pup that I cringe at doggie kisses.)

    1. I wrote this comment as I was embarking on my first day home alone with a puppy. Truth is, as scared as I was to add more to my plate, I really love this little guy. I feel that he was just what we needed. Who would have guessed?


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