February 04, 2014


He is chill, funny, and great with kids.
He has always been more disciplined and kind than I am.
He's got skillz...
Cooking, French Horn/Piano/Singing, Academic, Soccer/Running, Art, public speaking, scouting, refereeing (at home and on the field), peacemaking, etc..
There are times when I wish for my oldest a little more of life's fun things and a maybe a little less sisters.  ;)
But, I think Jakob is the kid he is because  our life has shaped him.
I really like who he is.
I feel blessed and honored to mother him.  
He is honestly one of my favorite people ever.
Happy Birthday kid!
Love you!!


  1. Happy Birthday, Jakob! Hope your day is filled with fun!!!

  2. Happy birthday Jakob! How is the dog?

  3. Happy Happy Day!! Sending love from England. Aunt Sandra, Uncle Martin, Joey & Tolka


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