February 27, 2014

A beautiful woman is...

A small service for a great cause!! :)

Please complete this sentence- "A beautiful woman is..."

My oldest daughter Anna is turning 12, which in the Mormon culture is somewhat of a coming of age.  I'm compiling a book for her on womanhood and would LOVE to include your ideas.  Just leave a comment here- feel free to email/message me any lessons your mother taught you or any women you feel are exemplary.

In return- I'll share with you a link to the book I compile. 

Really- don't think too hard or you won't do anything!!

A beautiful woman is...

Thank you!!!!


  1. I love reading your blog. You don't know me, I just found your blog linked somewhere else and have followed it for about a year. You are an amazing strong woman and mother. Thank you for your example and words of wisdom, and also for keeping it real. As a mother of a large family I enjoy reading your ideas and also seeing that others struggle also with the craziness called life.
    A beautiful woman is one who knows who she is, a daughter of God, and with that knowledge shares it with others, her family and friends. A beautiful woman is one who is joyful and peaceful among trials and can smile on bad days. A beautiful woman is someone who can love and serve everyone and who still finds time for herself to grow and learn.
    Thanks Jenifer for all that you do.

  2. ...kind.
    ...serves others.
    ...has a sense of humor.

  3. Loves unconditionally, her family, children, husband and friends.

  4. "I am a princess, not because I have a prince, but because my Father is a King"
    - that pretty much summarizes what I feel about my identity as a daughter of God and when I remember that, I feel beautiful :)

  5. A beautiful woman is one who is confidant and comfortable with who they are.

  6. A beautiful woman is not perfect and her imperfections make her beautiful.

  7. Confident. She knows she is beautiful because she knows who she is and it shows in her countenance.

  8. Sees beauty around her, appreciates it and preserves it in her heart

  9. ...is one who embraces her divine role as feminine and nurturing, and is willing to give of herself to bless and help others.

    Great idea, and good luck! :-)

  10. Is a woman of faith. Because she knows she is a daughter of God she can see beyond the world's shallow definition of beauty to something much deeper. I've always loved the beautiful hands of older women...hands that tell the story of a life of service and devotion.

  11. Sees beauty all around her.

  12. Hi there !
    After searching searching searching google, i came across your blog, im having Praevia problems - and really, you are a phenomenal women! Thats all im going to say about that :)
    If there was one thing i had to pick, and maybe its not even the most sage advice - that would be..A beautiful woman is - one who doesnt try to be perfect at everything, but is one that tries her best at everything, and doesnt let challenges define her or her worth.

    D xo

  13. A beautiful woman is content. If a woman is truly content with all that is hers--and all that is not--a peace surrounds her that draws others to her more than any physical beauty ever could.

    Love that Anna. She is a beautiful girl, and will grow to be a beautiful woman--in ALL the ways there are to be truly beautiful.

  14. Patient and compassionate.

  15. Dear Anna,

    I don't really know you or your family but I love reading about you and am excited to participate in your mom's project.

    First, she is a beautiful woman and you will never go wrong if you follow her example.

    I witnessed something beautiful over the weekend. I saw a woman step into the waters of baptism. I knew then, that she represented beauty and was what I wanted to share.

    She is a beautiful woman because she is a mother who was trying to rescue her family and trying to restore goodness. She wanted happiness in her life again. She was courageous and bold and is rewriting her life story. She is beautiful because she reached into her soul and is relying on faith and hope and the Holy Ghost. The world tells us to try something trendy or cool or easy to bring us happiness. She is confident that doing something simple and sometimes hard is the best choice and will bring true happiness.

    To me, that is a beautiful woman. To be confident and wise and to continually restore goodness through faith and hope.

    A Beautiful woman knows can rewrite a life story.

  16. *knows she can rewrite a life story.

  17. Is grateful.
    Knows and trusts herself.
    Loves unconditionally.

    I can still hear my mom saying to me, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." ❤️


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