February 13, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm in surgery this morning.
...and I'm LOVING it!

We just make our valentines in Picmonkey, print them at riteaid 40 for $4.99, and staple some candy on them.
Fun, fast and homemade.

I had to steal a copy of this card for my urologist.  I tell him he is only the second man I've ever shaved my legs for.  ;)

(This is the first year I didn't make cards for my big kids- I love sending them to school with cards and candy.  Next year!)

School valentines are fun...
But for me?? How can I resist this guy?
Mmmmm.  I LOOOOOVE him.

Enjoy your day!!
Hope it's more romantic than mine will be.
Love is good.

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