February 21, 2014


Yes, I did get stuck in my driveway.
My husband is cute and cheery.  Without any questions he just started plowing me out.
He loves me for my adventures...
Neighbors came to the rescue.
They plowed and pushed, I pushed the gas and steered with great skill and we were unstuck.
I love snow.

We've had visitors all week!  
Look at all these kids!  
It is so fun living close to cousins.
My sister in law brought her cute sister in law, Angie.  Angie is waiting to adopt a baby.  How my heart goes out to those who struggle with infertility- that's a tough one.  The waiting, anticipation, disappointment.  Wow!  I thought we'd help her out a bit by completely overwhelming her with children.  I offered to give her one of mine... Or, three.
She will be the sweetest mom.

I have learned not to clean before company comes.  My normal house is clean enough.  I just plan on a big clean afterwards.  Then, I don't feel cranky as my house gets more lived in.

When I used to spend a week cleaning beforehand, then a week entertaining, I would feel exhausted once everyone left.
Now, I just spend the week anticipating my big clean after everyone leaves and I don't mind the mess.
It works for me.

Life is good!
Happy winter! 


  1. Fun to see my sweet sister on your blog! :)
    I'm a faithful reader and love your insights on life!

    1. How fun! Angie is a gentle, genuinely kind soul. She told me she had a sister who read my blog. Nice to meet you Aimee.


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