March 05, 2014

My favorite wedding present.

We had a beautiful, simple wedding 16 years ago.
Our wedding felt real, as did our honeymoon and the weeks when we realized the honeymoon was over.  :)
We really were two young virgins, starting off life together.  
We were poor, both in college, and very in love.

Looking back I can see that we were only love-buds, saplings. 
We were younger than we felt at the time.
Our love today, 16 years and 8 children (wow- that sounds crazy) later, is a great oak tree with strong roots and young branches.

Our wedding was a beginning, and the gifts we received would become the foundation for our future together.  
love that.

I still think "that was a wedding gift" as I look around my house.
My favorite??

A dear friend and teacher of mine had her son make me a calligraphy quote saying-
"Thank you Lord for dirty dishes, for we have had something to eat."

This quote has hung near our kitchen sink from student housing in Utah, to Michigan, Texas, Oregon, and it now shines in our New York window.  It has become part of who we are.  
It only cost one sheet of paper.
It's my favorite.

Life is good.
Today I'm grateful for dirty dishes and wise friends.

What was your favorite wedding gift?  Did you say yes to the dress?  Do you think weddings today have turned into more of a party than a covenant?  How do we celebrate and officiate, without overshadowing?  
I have FIVE daughters- I think about weddings.

1 comment:

  1. I admire you! 8 children!It is great!
    Spring Flowers to You


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