April 14, 2014

"That time of refreshing"


Can't you feel Spring bringing hope into your soul?

My littlest girls picked the first purple crocuses who happened to poke their heads up in our gardens.  They were so excited to have a flower to give the sister missionaries at church.  I felt that those (fairly smashed) flowers were perfect "palms" for our Palm Sunday.

If Christ was riding a donkey into my yard this Sunday, I would have worshipped him with signs of Spring.

Spring is seeping into my pores.

I absolutely love the idea that Christ is the Son- He feels like Sun to my soul.

Here in upstate NY, our very first glimpse of sun has coincided beautifully with this Easter week.  (It is supposed to be 75* today, and SNOW tomorrow- I love NY.)

I walked down our driveway to talk to neighbors yesterday, and then I pottied a bit of blood.  Grrr.  Do you know how badly I want to run, jump, explore with my kids?

Go for a long, wandering walk (if you can) and breathe that sun into your soul!!

Beautiful sunshine! 
How I have missed you.
Life is good!
Happy Monday!

This morning we read Acts 3 together.  I loved this verse:

19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

Doesn't spring feel like that "time of refreshing?"

I love thinking about judgement as the time of refreshing.  He is the SON-SUN who refreshes us all.


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