May 26, 2014

Tots, Teens, and Today

I hope we can visit a grave yard today.
I want my children to take time to remember.
Today I'm feeling the pull- teens who wanted to stay up late watching The Hobbit, a sick toddler who was burning up through the night, and a baby who awakes at 5am.
We have had a fun, busy weekend.
I try to maintain a healthy balance of fun and work-- although they like the fun more and I like the work more.
We are going to visit some more cow this morning.  I can't tell you how it warms my mother soul to watch my babies caring for animals.  These kids of mine are kind, compassionate, hard workers.  They are good with their animals.  I love that.
Lily found her true love-- baby sheep.  (They really were darling.)
Oh my brave little Eve.
My life feels beautiful and blessed and NORMAL.
Oh normal day-- how I have missed you!!

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