May 07, 2014

Walking On.

Yes- spring has sprung.
I have many grand ideas blowing around in my mind, but today is laundry day.
My company has left, just me and mine here today.
It's empty and peaceful.
I love a home that is brimming with family and friends.
I love trying to see my life, my home, my values- through another's eyes. 
(I'm a bit obsessed with the idea of perception in history and everyday life.)
Who we really are, how we really act, the measure of the influence (for good or bad) that we have on those around us-- this intrigues me.
My conversations all seem to relate back to healing (at least in my own brain).  Physical healing truly mirrors emotional healing, emotional/mental healing being the hardest (in my opinion).
I am convinced healing and trials are a result of biology, family history, spirituality (or life lessons/growth) and agency.  
I do not believe our physical bodies limit our potential- I believe they make us unique.

I walked yesterday all around my beautiful property with some of my favorite people.
I felt strong and happy.

It was so nice to spend time with my aunts.  My Aunt Sandra has been a role model of mine since I was two.  I just knew that having them here would feel comfortable and familiar.  We live miles, even seas apart, we vote differently, we worship differently, but we are so very similar.  That is the beauty of family, of goodness, and of humanity.  We are sisters.  They loved my children and my children loved them.  I love that.

My father spent the week building a beautiful chicken coop for his grandchildren, and building a barn for our friends.

As he was leaving, he cried.
He said he felt more like a father and grandfather this past week than he has his whole life.
This week, I had the kind of relationship with my father that I always imagined we could have.
It has been a long journey to this point.

I believe in healing!
I love spring!
Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. Your new relationship with your father warms my heart, Jen. I treasure the time I spend with my dad --- I want that for you.
    Keep healing, doing, teaching, and loving.
    I am grateful you are here as well! So much more to learn from you, my friend.
    Your little corner of the world is beautiful --- like a slice of heaven.
    Have a beautiful day...❤️


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