June 24, 2014


Our last day of school is tomorrow.
It is noon and Todd, Ben and Leah are asleep.
Eve needs to be asleep.  (She is reading at my feet dressed up in Anna's baptism dress, messy haired and boogy nosed.)
Jakob and Drew are playing together in the basement.
I am typing a quick post through my alka-seltzer haze.  (I need to leave for Anna's 6th grade graduation in a few minutes.)

Being pregnant for 72 months of my life, nursing, ovulating, recovering from major surgeries and infection, etc., has taught me one thing--
to be grateful for a healthy, strong body!!

My dream is not to run a marathon, wear a size 2, or look like a Victoria Secret model.  Oh how I dream of waking up one morning completely rested.

I'm tired of being tired.

But, who can complain of tired when they have felt the breath of death?
Not me.
Today I'm gratefully alive, sick, and tired.
I would choose this.
Life is good.


  1. Hope you are all feeling better soon!! xxx Aunt Sandra

  2. Sorry you're sick! You do such a great job being grateful IN your circumstances. Hope you all get better soon!


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