July 01, 2014

Feeling Yammy

Would it surprise you if I admitted that I'm not a big fan of pictures that show babies covered in food?
I think it's good for toddlers to learn to eat neatly.
Most of my children would never smear their first birthday cake- they ate gently with two fingers.

Not Ben.
This boy loves messy texture.
I'm glad, because texture is something preemie babies often have issues with.

Yesterday was a stretching day for me-- boy oh boy, I am sick.  I'm afraid I don't have a strong immune system these days.

I was feeding Benner some lunch and Eve came out from her nap (am I ever going to be able to keep her napping through a summer with a house full of big kids?).
I left the sweet potatoes on the counter and ran her back upstairs.
This is what I returned to.

He was literally licking the platter clean.
What a mess.
What a cutie!
What a great life.
I love my day job.

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