August 21, 2014

Lesson I learned at #byueducationweek

(My very first house as Jenifer Moss.)

BYU is my beloved alma mater.
In 1995, I took my first airplane trip (alone) out to college.  My whole life was ahead of me and I knew my decision to attend BYU would set the course for my future.

On my first day of classes, I took my backpack overflowing with every text book it had purchased for the classes I had that day. Ha!  

I remember clearly my walk back from my first religion class at the JST.  I was surrounded by majestic mountains and a stunning blue sky painted with the fluffiest white clouds I had ever seen.  I was so overcome with gratitude for this experience that tears dripped down my cheeks and my soul sang a prayer to Heaven.

I felt this same gratitude yesterday.

Tears just dripped down my cheeks as I walked.  I wondered-- when does this end?  When will I be able to pass a lady using a walker and stop swelling with gratitude that I can walk?  

Will every single experience in my life be that much more poignant to me because in the back of my mind I know "I could have missed this"?

Will I always choke with emotion when I'm reunited with old friends?  Will I always hug just a little but tighter as I say the deep words "It's soo good to see you again."

I'm a grateful mess, I tell you.

Day One and I'm feeling filled.
I have been reminded of so many gems.

The one lesson I learn over and over is this-- 
Love More.  Love Deeply.  Be Kind.  Keep Trying.  Serve Others.  Forgive.  Feel God's Love for Them and Me.  Build a Home that is a Sanctuary From the World.
Life Is A Gift.
Family Is A Gift.

I love this poem--

I Walked a Mile with Pleasure

I walked a mile with Pleasure;
She chatted all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne’er a word said she;
But, oh! The things I learned from her,
When sorrow walked with me.

-Robert Browning Hamilton

::if you can't change the children or your attitude-- just play music that can!!

::use music to pull you out of your ruts!!

The man who forgets to be grateful has fallen asleep in life.

::stop fighting contention and start nurturing love

Luke 14:28-30

"Character can not be developed in ease and quiet.  Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."

Helen Keller

I am so grateful for this time to learn and bask in light, truth, and goodness.

God is good to us.

How I love being alive!!!

I know this is sappy- I am just seeping with sap these days.  Ha!

***if you are in the Utah area and want to come to ice cream-- please join us tonight at 8:30pm at my friend Christina's house--1283 Camelot drive in Provo.   1283 is the west coordinate and camelot is about 810 north.

Please don't feel awkward coming-- I have never even met Christina and she is kind enough to host this get together!  I'm so excited to meet her.  Come!! I'm sure it will be fun and sisterly.

(My best friend and phone cleaning companion- we became mothers and friends at this very apartment complex.)

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