September 10, 2014


I woke up early (5:30), showered, and whipped up some bread for breakfast.

I used white and wheat flour, oats, and cinnamon to make it yummy and breakfasty.

While so many health trends are pulling away from wheat and other grains, I feel myself drawn to these grains more.  Weird?  I feel good feeding my family grains-- I'm off to a grain miller today to get some freshly ground goodness!!

My life is sliding into a gentle rhythm and it's lovely.

I have a few friends that are helping me leave my house-- I need to serve more outside my home!  It really is good to talk to other women.  We need each other.  (Why do we isolate when we need companionship the most?)

A friend I know tries to call 4 people every day-- outside of her family.  I'm not to that level, I actually feel sick calling someone who is not on my three most comfortable list.  (Does that surprise you?) But, yesterday I called three people that I've been wanting to talk to, and it was wonderful!!  Fear is so dumb!  

Finally, I'm reading a lovely biography about a mother of ten, Geraldine Bangerter.  She said "Our home is cozy and beautiful.  Cleaning and care are at a minimum as far as it can be with ten people here most of the time to wash, iron, and cook for."

Don't you love that?!!!

Today, my cleaning and care is at a minimum- as much as can be with my own family of ten to care for.
Life is about loving and serving people.
I love life because I love loving and serving people.  (Not that I'm as good at doing this as I wish I were...)

Enjoy today friends!!
Today is a beautiful day to be alive.
(My cow just mooed out my window in hearty agreement!)

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying your daily thoughts. Why do u not like calling people or leaving the house? I think I am right there with you. I have two, my special needs daughter I homeschool.


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