September 05, 2014

Leah got bapitzed!

Leah got baptized on her birthday, September 1, 2014.
I can't believe this favorite child of mine is EIGHT!!

Just yesterday she was...

And now...

(Grandpa Ionno carved some watermelon baskets for us.) 

Leah's baptism was a perfect mix of friends and family.
Bishop Scanlon conducted the baptism.
Drew played prelude music and Jakob conducted the music.
Bryn Carr played the piano.
Leah asked her cousin Patrick (8) to give the opening prayer.
Ellie gave a talk on baptism.
Todd, David and Eric (Leah's uncles) sang Jesus Came to John the Baptist.
Leah was baptized by her father and her uncles David and Eric were the witnesses.
Anna gave a talk on the Holy Ghost.
Leah was confirmed a member of the Church and given the gift of the Holy Ghost by her father.
Leah's cousin Gabe (10) gave the closing prayer.

We ate fruit, skittles and doughnuts with chocolate milk.
Simple and sweet.

I think eight is a perfect year to be baptized.

Leah is an active, happy, smart little girl.
I love her kindness and her cute freckles.
In some ways Leah has been my most active kiddo (the child who was most wiggley at church), 
but I have just never doubted her goodness.

At age eight, Leah loves to read books about animals.
Almost every week she checks out a different non-fiction book about the new pet she is trying to get me to buy her.  For her birthday she wanted a horse, a bunny, or a donkey.
(She got Jungle Legos- but she almost got a bunny.)
Leah can make Ben laugh better than any other child.  
She is GREAT with little kids.
Leah's favorite thing to do is play with BOYS.
She loves to race, run, and wrestle.
Leah is Drew's best helper in the barn.  
She was by his side every morning and every night helping to bottle feed them.  
Drew and Leah are special friends.

How I love this bright, shining child of mine.
She read her sweet testimony before she was baptized-- 

When I have scripture time I feel happy inside being with my family.
I know the Church is true and that Joseph Smith prayed and his prayer was answered.
I want to get baptized because everyone else in my family did.  I'm excited to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I feel happy when I go to Sacrament Meeting and listen to the talks, when I see the temple, and when I say a prayer and it gets answered.
When my cousins were coming, I prayed that they would get here safely and the did!
I know Heavenly Father is real because He hears and answers my prayers.
He made the world, he made the church, and He made me.
I love my family.
I love the scriptures.
I love this Church.
I am grateful to get baptized.

Leah Jenifer Moss
1 September 2014

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