October 22, 2014

This Kind

Eve and Ben are playing together more these days.
They are double trouble, those two.
They both have big personalities, they are happy, active, and smart.

This morning Ben threw his sippy cup off his highchair tray and it hit Eve.
She cried, hugged me tight, and pronounced emphatically-- "See, that's why I don't want that kind of baby!"

Oh, the joy of having a little brother.

Unfortunately for Eve, this is my favorite kind of baby.
I happen to love the strong, Captain Moroni, Peter type babies.
If I can survive the messy toddler years, I prefer raising leaders to raising followers.  I somehow ended up with a whole houseful of that kind of babies.  

You know immediately that these kinds of babies are going to be something.
I hope they turn out something good!

Now, better go find that little mess maker, he's fast!!
Life is good!

(If I actually took time to go onto my computer, I'd link to the cutest books.  I love them.  Little Dinos Don't Bite and Little Dinos Don't Hit...  They're cute-- and so are little Dinos.  Look them up.)

1 comment:

  1. There is a certain point you reach in life where you think that there is no hope. i was at that point when my husband of 4 years just walked away from me. but thanks to the DR.AGBAZARA TEMPLE who helped me bring back my husband who left me for another girl and the lovely time we shared together. i did everything as instructed by Dr.Agbazara,And after 48hours my husband came back begging me on his kneels to accept him back. if you know your love is what saving and sacrificing for, contact DR.AGBAZARA of AGBAZARA TEMPLE today on his contact and see what great joy you will expirence like i am expirencing now. via:

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    From USA


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