November 26, 2014

The weekend before thanksgiving...

Grr-- five hours of sharp pain put me back into the ER.
My husband was out of the country, so I left my eight and asked my friend's husband to drive me through the snow storm to the hospital.
I had organization piles spread throughout my house and a packed list of things to do that did not include two days of IV antibiotics.

Doctors have no idea what to do with me.  I am not about to let them cut into my quilty belly when they can't even agree if the problem is my kidney, bladder, bowels, ovaries, or aorta.  My friend says she wants me with her the next time she's in the hospital because I'm the nicest persnickety patient she's seen.  Ha!! 

No worries.  I'm just fine and so grateful to be alive.
I made it home to see Anna perform in the middle school play.  She was amazing!  I love her poise and confidence.
My mother and siblings have arrived from Vermont and Florida.  It has been over four years since I've seen my brothers and younges sister (they've been living in Germany) and it is SO good to be together again.
Ellie is annoyed that Leah and Lily follow my 16 year old sister around.  I laugh.  Anna and Ellie were the SAME way when they were younger.
My brothers look so European.  It's cute.
Drew is working hard building robots and caring for cows.
Leah is the most excited pilgrim ever.
Lily is creating Thanksgiving pictures all around the house (I've got to snap some pictures.)
Ben is into everything- literally.
Eve is my best helper.
Ellie is taking 100 selfies that look like this.
Or this.
She is also busy in select choir and as the lion in the school play.

Jakob is sick with a dumb cough that hasn't gone away.  I should have taken him to the doctors sooner.

And, I'm absolutely content with leaving my to do list for another day.
I love Thanksgiving!

I'm grateful to be sharing it with my mom and my "little" brothers and sister.
Life is good!! 
Hope you are enjoying your holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you the most special Thanksgiving ever, sweet friend. We are all so very blessed to have you here and in our lives! Blessings always... ❤️


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