December 22, 2014


These taste as good as they look.

Tis the season.
(Ninja bread fail.)

Ok-- honestly, we nailed it.
I thought they were pretty awful, but these ninja's kicked into gear.

Todd woke up early to make me dough, because he's amazing like that.
(And because the dough that came in the kit was awful.)
When he happily announced that he used blackstrap molasses and real ginger I was worried they wouldn't exactly taste good to a class of second graders.

My ninjas look nothing like the kit we were copying.
But, they were darling.  Leah was so excited and so was her class.
Everyone loved them.
I love being a mom.
I love being up at the school.
I am head over heels in love with my gingerbread making man.

Life is good!!

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