December 18, 2014

Too Smart for Santa

(Jakob and Ellie got new glasses.)

I did my "last trip" to pick up stocking stuffers yesterday.
I'm soo excited for Christmas!  Which is a Christmas miracle in and of itself.

I do have to lament the fact that my children are smarter than Santa Claus.  I'm afraid Eve is ruined.  She has seen me purchase Christmas, or drag UPS boxes up into my bedroom.  And, SHE DOESNT FORGET!

She keeps telling her sisters, "We bought animals today." 
I try to hint that we didn't actually buy them, but she insists.
"Yes, we did Mom.  They were under your coat and the nice lady put them in the red bag.  Let's go look in the trunk together."

Oh my.  Christmas morning may be surprising for everybody except Eve.
She's too smart for Santa.

In other exciting news-- Ben (age 18 months) actually chews gum.  Don't judge me--- shopping with littles I pull out every distraction in my wallet,  Ben got one-third of his sister's piece.  I told him to chew it not eat it... And he did.  For 30 minutes.  Kids got skilz...

Todd took the big kids Christmas caroling last night.  They went to an assisted living apartment complex and they sounded professional, so good that people offered them money.  I love that my kids have experiences like this.  Traditions are fun.

It's a good life.


  1. Love the "let's go look in the trunk together"!! Ha! Good luck. Love you, Aunt Sandra

  2. I love how your entire family has crawled into my heart!
    Merry Christmas, Moss Family! ❤️🎄❤️

  3. We love you too Marie!! Merry Christmas!


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