January 19, 2015

Martin Luther King Jr Faces Fear with Prayer

I enjoyed this holiday to remember and spend time with my family.  Martin Luther King Jr, was not a perfect man.  He was a good man who worked with many good people to bring about good changes in our world.

I have a favorite story that helped me when I was ill.  I loved how normal I felt after reading that even great men are afraid sometimes.  Courage is not the absence of fear, it is choosing faith despite your fear.

I've already quoted the story here- MLK overcoming fear with faith and here- Life is a journey towards healing.  Click over, you'll love to remember!  I first read this story in this wonderful BYU devotional Healing = Courage + Action + Grace by Jonathan Sandberg.  Seriously, read that devotional, you will love it.

Hope you enjoyed your long weekend!
I know He is with each of us as we stand for righteousness, stand for justice, and stand for truth!

Today, I am standing for goodness by really teaching my kids at home.  It's little things, like reminding them to floss every day, to kneel and pray morning and night, following through, sharing what I believe with them and why I believe it.  Living what we believe takes courage and effort.

I am actively involved in my school helping with PTO, helping with costumes and props for the school musical, and coordinating a community cookbook.  This week I'm meeting with the Red Cross and I'm so excited to be hosting our first ever Hope for Accreta Syracuse Chapter meeting at my home.  (Wow, that sounds like a lot.)

I've done PTO for a long time.  I'm often involved in my church and school, but it wasn't until recently that I have been more involved in my community.  There is an organization called Interfaith Works in Central New York that I just love. My eyes have been open to the struggles in this area and in the world.  I'm a better person because of the diversity I'm exposed to.  Many religious groups come together to do good, it's beautiful.  I am a better person because of the time I spend with my friends of other faiths.  I would really encourage you to look for Interfaith organizations in your area, or start one.  There is another organization here called Women Transcending Boundaries- Bringing women of faith together after 9/11.  Oh, how I love this!

Like Martin Luther King, Jr.  I'm inspired to do good in my neck of the woods.
Life is good.  I am so grateful to be alive.
Happy Monday friends!

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