February 11, 2015

Teenage Boy Birthday

(Jakob wore the same shirt for his 9th and 10th grade school pictures.  That was accidental, but I think he should keep it up for 11th and 12th grade.  Ha!)

I wasn't sure what to do for a 16 year old birthday.  I decided to try a surprise party inviting all the kids on Jakob's Technology team as they were working hard to get ready for states.

They made individual homemade pizzas, ate snacks, played games, played Ping Pong, had cake and root beer/purple cow floats.  It was simple and fun.

Jakob was completely surprised.

I have to say something.  Jakob has always been pretty popular.  I'm not sure where he fits into things here in Tully.  I think he's had a struggle finding close friends.  But, the group of boys we had at our home last Friday were absolutely adorable.  These are really good kids.

Jakob and Drew share friends these days.  Many of these boys are in advanced classes and many come from farming families.  You have never met a group of nicer, more respectful, just down-to-earth good kids.  I'm so grateful my boys have this group of boys to grow up with.

We have always lived in an area with other LDS youth.  My kids are the only Mormons in their High School.  I think it makes me especially grateful for this group of good friends.

I do have pictures, but I'm not sure other parents appreciate me posting their children on the Internet.

I really love having teenagers.
Life is good!

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