May 04, 2015

Friends, Glorious Friends

Was your weekend as full of good people as our weekend was?

After track, we picked up Anna's cute friend who came over to help Anna get ready for the dance.  These are two of the sweetest girls ever.

Leah had a play at school (she was the spider and you can watch her performance on Instagram-- moss moments).  
We brought home a friend.  All Leah's friends are boys.  
So cute!

I experienced a tender mercy.  My yard and home was needing some TLC.  Spring cleaning is no joke around these parts.  My family is gone so often with school and many church activities that it is sometimes hard to find the time to serve in our own home.  We had elders and sisters, missionaries from our church, come for dinner on Friday and they offered to come a little early to help out.  

While I cooked dinner and sewed up torn suit pants for the Elders, they worked with my boys cleaning out garden landscaping beds and leaves.  The sisters organized the toys in my basement playroom.  It was SO helpful.  I realized that serving and being served is part of God's plan for His people.  It's a good plan where we are all blessed.
The girls had NYSMA vocal competition this weekend.  I love hanging out with my girls.
We were a little late (ugh, mom fail as I arrived early to the HS not middle school) and Ellie got stage fright and started crying for the judge.  I can't tell you how grateful I am for the CUTEST, funniest music teacher and accompaniest who were so good at encouraging and nurturing Ellie.  She went right back in and sang, "something worth waiting for" and "spot on sight reading".  According to the judge.  I really love school and the good people who teach my children.  Thank you!!
It was blue/white polka dot day, and this woman is one of my favorites!!
(Here was Anna singing for the judge.)
After NYSMA the girls and I went shopping while the boys stained picnic tables and finished up the yard.
We had a few families over for a Sunday pot luck.  The weather was divine.  

Although my husband didn't understand why I was sewing triangles an hour before company was expected, I think the cute pennants added to the ambiance nicely.

Oh, life is beautiful!!
I'm do grateful for weekends like this one that are packed so full of goodness.
Happy Spring!

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