June 15, 2015

2015 Heart 2 Heart Blood Drive

We did it!  We collected 105 units of blood here in our little town of Tully.
We told our story on a TV and radio, and felt priviliged to share our miracle to inspire others to donate blood.
I'm still recovering from this event and I don't have much to say other than WOW!
We have lived from coast to coast and can absolutely testify that there are really, really great people everywhere.

I was SO grateful for my sweet friends and strangers who came out, spent time and physically gave of themselves in honor of our story.

I honestly got teary-eyed multiple times watching how difficult it was for some of them to donate.  Thank you!!!!  

I was never able to thank the 200 strangers whose blood saved my life.  It was healing for me to feed and encourage and thank so many who have given of themselves for someone else.

I love this community.  
I love the Red Cross.
I believe that the goodness in this world is quieter but stronger than the evil.
People are good.
Life is good.
And today I feel darn lucky to be alive.
Even if I'm still too anemic to donate blood.

Please pray for my good friend Brianna Evans. She went in for some reconstruction surgery and ended up back in the ICU with more damage.  She really needs our prayers.

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