December 08, 2015

Thoughts in December

Not the most flattering picture...
I'm laying in bed writing my meal plan so I can go grocery shopping today.

Christmas is swirling in my head and I hear Ben opening the pantry downstairs. He likes to sneak lunch snacks in the morning.

Todd and I thought long and hard about Christmas this year, everything that my kids wanted was screen related.  We decided we are not doing personal laptops, iPhones, tablets, etc. and so, I have been compensating by spending more money than we would normally spend on gifts I'm only hoping they will like.  

I think we're good.
I feel good about Christmas.
I have just a few more gifts to think about... Siblings, parents, neighbors.

I ordered Christmas Cards last night and they won't be delivered until the 18th.  Every year I say I'm going to be better at getting them done earlier, and I'm still here.  Mark my words-- 2016 Christmas Cards will have a before Thanksgiving postage stamp.

We just bought our tree yesterday.  We're late, but still squeezing the most out of this month!  We always cut our own tree, but this year we bought a pre-cut tree from some Christmas Tree and beef-raising friends of ours.  It felt right hunting for a tree in their barn even though it was not traditional.

Another one of my 2016 goals is that I'm going to gather and repeat recipes.  I tend to cook without a recipe or just google recipes.  I want to print and reuse this year.  I need to step up my kitchen game.  

On the top of my meal list, I wrote a fun breakfast idea from my sister in law.  They had cereal when we visited, but put out bags of pecans, walnuts, frozen blueberries, and sugar-free raisins to add to the cereal.  It was delicious and so much healthier.

She also taped her favorite recipes on the inside of her spice cabinet.  Isn't that a good idea?  

I was a crank yesterday.  I hate cranky days.

I fell again on Sunday and hurt my already hurt foot.  My doctor wants me to get an MRI, but my problem is that my foot doesn't hurt most of the time.  I can walk on it, but then I fall at random times.  I should not complain, it's just a stress I wish I didn't have.

Ben and I taped a short segment that will air after Christmas encouraging blood donation for the Red Cross.  I'm feeling more and more comfortable on tv, and that makes me laugh a little.  

Ben was darling and very well-behaved.  He played with two small, plastic dinosaurs on my lap while we taped.  We sat at a glass table that had shiny, silver legs.  Ben laid his head on the table when we first sat down and rubbed it with his hands outstretched and then he saw his breath on the table and licked it.  We left a few face prints for them to clean up.  Ha!

Todd is looking for a new car.  He's picky and we're trying not to go into debt for it.  Three times he has decided on a car and the owners have sold it to someone else before we can pick it up.  As in, Todd was driving to the dealership 6 hours away after calling that morning to say he was coming, and they sell the car 40 minutes before he arrives.  Seriously?!  He thinks he has one this morning that feels right.  We'll see!!  I'm so done with car shopping, Christmas shopping, food shopping...  I'm certain my soul would rather farm, sew, and ride a horse to work.  

Speaking of horses, we almost got the cutest red and white spotted calf.  Our pony has the dog and chickens to keep him company, but the calf would have been great.  Only, the kid selling the steer, didn't pull it from his parent's pasture fast enough and it got sent to auction.  Ugh.  What is it with our luck these days?

I took the younger 6 kiddos with me to my nephew's baptism in CT this weekend and Todd stayed home with the older boys to work in the yard and get a bunch of hay delivered.  I really love that this is our life.
Look at that family!
All gathered to celebrate with THIS cute kid (who reminds me of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbs).
His grandparents even joined by Skype from their mission in Ukraine.  Isn't this cool?!  My sweetest sister in law made my cry as she shared her testimony that day.  Her kids are feisty and she has raised them with sweetness.  I love that family.

I wish everyone in the world could belong to a beautiful, Mormon family.  It is wonderful having such a sense of unity, faith, eternity, and goodness.  I'm so grateful my kids have this goodness and support in their lives.

I can't tell you how much I have loved this book on tape (actually mp3) I checked out from my library.  It's much more positive thinking than traditional Christianity, which is new to me, but I love it.

A Year of Miracles by Marianne Williamson

This is the quote that led me to that book--
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"

As I read her book, I feel myself wanting to write a book like it from a Mormon/Mother perspective.  Although I've often thought about writing a book, this is the first time that I have found a book I'd like my book to feel like.  The whole book is almost a prayer.  Not advice, not a doctrinal study, just feelings and perspectives.  I like that.  I love that.  I would love to write a book of Mother's Prayers.  

Gotta run!  It's time for scriptures and I still didn't finish my grocery list.

I've missed you friends.
Happy Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, may your grocery shopping go well, and may your ankle heal. :)


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