July 02, 2016

Hill Cumorah Pageant- Day 1

Gee Whiz!  Packing for 3 weeks in an RV is tough, especially if you have 8 children. 

My mother and father in-law saved me by showing up at my house yesterday and magically Mary Poppinsing.  I'm shocked we made it out and although I'm shocked at how much stuff we brought, I'm certain we forgot many things.

The RV wouldn't start when we got in it to go, probably someone had left a light on.  So while Todd and his father jumped it, my mom and I went to return some of Ellie's glasses and head up to Palmyra.  I was supposed to pick up lunch for everyone at McD's.  I wrote down the order and called ahead to have $64 in junk all ready and waiting.  When we got there, we realized I had called the wrong store!!!  So, I needed to reorder AND apologize to the other store.

While I was reordering, I got a text from my neighbor saying our dog was running around in the street!!! We live on a main highway.  They kindly brought him to their house until a storm subsided and then brought him home and realized he had pushed open a gate.  Thank goodness for kind neighbors.  God bless our animals while we're gone!

I didn't take ANY pictures yesterday.  

To be honest, this whole experience is completely overwhelming to me right now. There are many families here who have done this for years.  I feel like I don't know what's going on and it's hard for me to have my children spread all around.  We're outside all day, with a lot of walking and a lot of sitting.  Ben has done pretty well, but he's hard at the same time.

Eve was sitting on some stairs yesterday and started screaming like I've never heard her scream before.  I was in a knee-length maxi skirt and carrying Ben in slow-motion trying to climb the stairs to get to her.  It was HORRIBLE. She got stung by 5 or 6 yellow jackets.  On her hand, in her hair, on her face and nose.  We spent some quality time in the nurses office.  Eve's fine (although she is now jumpy and terrified of bees). She didn't have an allergic reaction.  But I'm honestly teary-eyed just writing this.

Everyone is divided into cast teams by age. Ben stays with Todd and I.  Last night the whole camp of over 750 men, women, and children got cast into parts.  

I can't really remember what parts everyone got.  The whole process tugged my heartstrings.  My Anna is not in dance lessons, but she wants to be.  I knew she really wanted a dancing part but was given a non-believer in a destruction scene part.  She was disappointed.  I really hope this is a positive experience for her.  

Todd is an old world disciple at the time of Christ (I think).  Jakob is a backline Lamanite.  I am a speaking believer.  I'm not sure what everyone else is yet.

Our little RV is perfect and quite humble compared to many other mansion RVs that people have brought.

The 4 teens are sleeping outside in tents.  Todd and I have a bed, the little girls sleep above the car cab, and Ben is on the couch.

We'll see what today holds.
I was SO excited about this experience.  Actually being here, I just feel overwhelmed and hopeful.

Come see us if you live nearby!
I can tell you that we LOVE watching this Pageant, I'm not sure yet if we love being IN it.  😶


  1. Tell Anna, she has the best part. I prayed my father ans I right into that scene. Loved it for so many reasons. Also tell her to pay attention how to "die" without hurting herself.

  2. I so wish I could come see this....but my sister and I both fly out of Atlanta on the 9th...her back to Germany and me to CA for work....I'm keeping you in my prayers and have no doubt that you will fjnd yourself and your strength in this new and different life...

  3. Wishing you all joy in this new adventure!

  4. Your future is bright! It will get better! You've got this! Sorry about the wasps... but way to go for being there & showing up & having hearts that want to serve. Your sacrifices will become great blessings. Say an extra prayer in the Grove for me & take pictures of your feet on holy ground... & try to line up all the sister missionaries with some cute young man you know, just for good measure. Sure love you!!!

  5. Your future is bright! It will get better! You've got this! Sorry about the wasps... but way to go for being there & showing up & having hearts that want to serve. Your sacrifices will become great blessings. Say an extra prayer in the Grove for me & take pictures of your feet on holy ground... & try to line up all the sister missionaries with some cute young man you know, just for good measure. Sure love you!!!


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