July 31, 2008

Yeah... I'm Cranky Today!
1- 3 hr OB appointment on Tuesday-- they measured my belly and said i was fine
1- 45 minute appointment for lab work on Wednesday-- they took 2 viles of blood (lost one so i had to get it redrawn at my appointment today)
4- pediatric appointments this morning (from 9:30am-12pm) 3 shots (Anna and Jakob) and my kids are all fine
1- blood doctor appointment today it maybe lasted an hour and a half... this is where i had to get my blood redrawn so they can match it for tomorrow...
110- dollars to fill my Suburban with gas after i ran out of gas today and Todd had to come rescue me
6- at least 6 hours of blood transfusions tomorrow while my kids are at friend's houses
1- one more doctor's appointment on Monday... this time it's with the dentist for a tooth that i chipped last weekend...
you probably don't want to call me today-- I'm CRANKY!!

July 30, 2008

5 little monkeys...

5 little monkeys jumping on the bed...
(i'm surprised none fell off and broke their head...)

(this is our amazing split-second photography...)
so the kids thought they were hilarious...

they each put on 6 or 7 of Todd's shirts and had an enjoyable time posing as gangsters... saying,

"i'm a fat guy and i like my pie."

(after an unfortunate incident where leah felt that the kids were trying to strangle her inside one of daddy's shirts- she would have nothing to do with them- thus the naked baby in the middle of the bunch, with the somewhat hesitant expression...)

Todd and I actually couldn't help laughing and they did succeed in postponing bedtime by 30 minutes...

ahh... summer moments...

July 29, 2008

Bakerella Moss...

i'm an OK cook... i'm fine with meat,veggies, rolls and pie... but honestly- i stink at cookies.

Todd and i have tried many, many recipes... people deliver perfect cookies to us, we get their recipe and YUCKO- flat, ugly cookies. even Martha Stewart's recipe for perfect chocolate chip cookies let us down...

My sister-in-law gave me a recipe the other day on the phone and they actually turned out good--- they were fluffy when i got them out of the oven, not flat!!
Since Rebekah lives in Italy, i guess these are--

(much like the Utah Chocolate Chip Cookies that her mother makes...)

1 c. butter (softened not melted)
1 c. brown sugar
1/3 c. white sugar
2 eggs
Beat the above ingredients till VERY fluffy... (it really does puff up... so fun!)
1tsp. vanilla
2 1/4c. flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda (optional)
1/2 tsp. salt
Beat A LOT... till super fluffy...
mix in chocolate chips and bake at 375* for 10 minutes...
She says she freezes her cookies right out of the oven and then pulls them out to eat whenever she wants one-- they stay fresh that way...

MMMMMM... so yummy!!!
who knows, maybe next month I'll be teaching Martha...
note- i realize that the cookies i made are nothing to brag about, but allow me a moment of glory, you have no idea what my cookies usually look like!!
Todd walked in from school and saw the cookies on the counter... "Jen" he said in a surprised voice, "Did YOU make these cookies?"

July 26, 2008


These are my boys..
ALWAYS rough housing--
They played with these soda bottles for an hour, choreographing war moves...
Leah was watching the boys, then she walked over to the recycle bin and i heard, "Oh, YEAH!!"
she found her own weapon and went to join the battle...

puppy dog tails...

the front
the back snips and snails and puppy dog tails...
isn't this the cutest little boy quilt you have seen?
Grey made it, and i quilted and bound it...
I LOVE the brown and blue combo--
it makes me want another little boy...

July 25, 2008


Get READY... Get SET...
GO!!!!-- (can you see leah between the boys?)
waiting in line...
sweet sisters...
so fun...
cute daddy...
say cheese!!
as anna would say,
"Joy- Land, get it... it's on land and it gives you joy..."
NOTE: Jen was there... but had the camera the whole night.
We only lost anna and ellie once, don't worry, they weren't scared at all, they were "just looking at the rides". Leah cried every ride she was too small to ride, and jen cried every ride she was too pregnant to ride...

July 24, 2008

some more fun projects...

i love these websites... just click on the words to go to them...
meme's quilts
pattern hutch
threads that bind

the votes are in...

Our First Annual Moss Reunion Project will be...
Gordy's Goblins
This is a great pick, it is EASY and will be fun...
I'll also bring the patterns for this matching cat pillow...
(We should be able to make it out of our scraps)

And, this cute picture (just because we can make all 3 with wool and scraps...) 3 for the price of 1

So, we'll all make the wall-hanging and I'll make kits of the pillow and pictures for those of you who want to get crazy at home...

I'm so excited... just start your mind envisioning one afternoon of fabric, sewing, piles of stuff, and kids underfoot... it will be a bit chaotic (NOT like Enrichment) but, it will be sooo fun... think, old time quilting bees...

July 23, 2008

ok sisters... let's vote

and, i love this flag table runner... so cute!! and EASY
(I just had to add this picture... if we did the goblins, this pillow kinda goes with it...)

OK- this is mainly for my sister-in-laws...
i'm trying to get a project together that we can do at our family reunion next month...

i'm so excited...
if none of these strike your fancy, i have 100 more ideas!!!

this is a halloween quilt that you would hang on the wall...
this is table runner called "from dawn to dusk"- so cute...
i LOVE this wall hanging, but it's a bit spooky...
this is a wall quilt- jingle all the way...
and, we could make that cute button snowman...
or, we could do some kind of bag...

ok- let me know what you want to do... so fun!!

don't vote based on what you think you can make, just what you want to make...

July 21, 2008

mom... big mess!

i gave leah a bowl of jell-o fruit salad for lunch, then laid down on the couch to talk to my mom on the phone... i heard "MMMOOOOOOOOMMM!" and then the famous... "BIG MESS!"
Being the super-clean, well-disciplined mother that i am i was so upset and found no humor in the situation (hee-hee)... She was just devastated, as you can tell by the look on her face...

this is the BEST!!

ok, for any of you who quilt, or who have ever wanted to quilt... this will make your life easier. you can buy it at Hancock fabrics (look for it to go on sale- that happens often)... when you're done with the quilt top you just spray the batting and put back of the quilt down, spray the other side and put the top down... IT'S AMAZING!!!! YOU'LL LOVE IT!! i spent years with hundred's of safety pins... and now, my life is grand...

July 20, 2008

saying prayers...

this is sweet leah... she loves to say prayers...
this is the face that leah makes when we say
"close your eyes"...
imagine family prayer at our house...
we are all kneeling down, we tell leah to fold her arms, then mom can't resist saying "close your eyes"... everyone just dies laughing... it's impossible to be reverent when she's so funny... she'll stay like that too, for a long time, wondering why we are all laughing... if the prayer gets too long she just yells, "Amen!"... today during church she decided the closing prayer was getting a bit long... hopefully the speaker didn't hear her jubilant encouragement to finish up... AMEN!!
sweet baby prayer moments...

July 19, 2008

from blouses to blankets...

i just finished 3 quilt tops for a friend in my ward, Deborah Gaar. these tops are made from blouses that belonged to her mother... last Christmas i made quilts for my aunts out of summer dresses that my grandmother wore before she passed away... i think quilts are a great way to keep memories alive...

July 17, 2008

pregnant... what do you choose?

i asked todd to bring me home roses yesterday...
i was meaning Rose's Mexican food... i got a dozen flowers...
so sweet, but just not the same...

July 16, 2008

some photo's from my day...

just thought i'd let you all know that i'm feeling better- now that i'm full of blood, powerful blood...
it was just another day of ironing...

and cleaning the house...
i promised todd not to do too much,
but it's hard when you feel like

(ps. see those cute aprons and dresses i'm wearing in the pictures... i made them all last night!)