September 11, 2009

garage sale... day one

see this cute guy... he bought some stuff from us (i think mainly Todd's old t-shirts so he could sleep in them)... THEN, he came back AND brought us some peppers that he grew in his garden. Isn't that sweet?! this cute Hispanic man sang Lily her first ever Happy Birthday serenade! she's ONE today!!can you find her amidst the junk?this cute guy is one of our sweet neighbors-- they brought us COOKIES while we were selling!! leah was a little sad watching other kids BUY away HER toys... but overall, we had a fun morning. I'm SOO glad that I only advertised from 8am to Noon!!! We're ready for NAP TIME! But... who knew garage sales could be so fun? AND we got... garden grown peppers, homemade cookies and a Hispanic SERENADE!!! what a morning!

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