September 11, 2009

the crazy chicken lady...

yes. this is a post about chicken. i have a new obsession... ALL-NATURAL i really, really love eating chicken that was Farm Harvested by the Alexander family.(this is a picture of Mr. Alexander feeding my dinner) i love eating a chicken that really lived... free rangefed yummy food free of chemicals growth hormones and antibiotics. and i like free range eggs better too... i think natural chickens taste better. and... they are only about 5o cents more expensive than the regular chemical ones. UNLESS you try to buy them at United. seriously, Wal-mart is the place for All Natural... farm raised poultry. a $6 chicken at Wal-Mart cost $17 at United. for $10, i'll eat chemicals. :)
anyway. just wanted you to know something that is making me happy these days. actually, i would kinda like to raise my own chickens...they could sleep here in this cute chicken coop... and then we could eat em.


  1. Did you know that I am deathly allergic to chicken. I don't even know what it tastes like...but everyone always says how wonderful it is. I'm thinking about going for some rabbit, I hear they taste like chicken. Oh, and on Little House on the Prairie they say that snake tastes likes chicken too. I think I will go for the rabbit...

  2. raising chickens isn't all what it is cracked up to be! Believe, it's not fun having chicken poop dropped all over the place! But then again, I do have my issues!

  3. I have friends in ATL that did that! :)


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