February 26, 2010

the doctrine of family.

this is just my favorite talk ever on FAMILY.
want a good read?  check it out http://www.lds.org/pa/rs/pdf/CES_2009_Beck_eng.pdf.

it is written to those in our Church who teach the teenagers, but i think it applies directly to us moms.

this paragraph just keeps going over and over in my mind (as i clean the kitchen and try to watch ET with my kids... it's almost the sad part, i hate the sad part)
Live in your home so that you’re brilliant in the
basics, so that you’re intentional about your
roles and responsibilities in the family. You
think in terms of precision, not perfection.
(Perfection is difficult to obtain in this life, but
live your family life with precision.)
If you have
your goals and you’re precise in how you go
about them in your homes, your students will
learn from you. They learn that you pray, you
study the scriptures together, you have family
home evening together, you make a priority of
mealtimes and teach your family during those
times. You are constantly teaching your families
the same things that you’re teaching your
students. You speak respectfully of your
marriage partners. Then from your example the
rising generation will gain great hope and will
understand—not just from the words you teach,
but from the way you feel and emanate the
spirit of family.

now, back to E.T.  so i can watch his skin peeling...


  1. I am right there with ya! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this talk too! I am so glad that Brother Merrill shared it with us. There's nothing like a good Julie Beck talk...she's my idol.

  2. I Loved that! Thanks for sharing.

    Last week our Stake talked about the basics. They did a survery with the seminary students about their families if they had FHE, scripture study, morning and night prayers, and church attendance as a family. They had categories like the Always family,
    Most of the Time, Sometimes, and Never. They correlated to how we want our children to follow the commandments. Do we want them to always make the right choices, just sometimes make the right choices,... It was such a good talk about the basics and how much they help and protect our children.

    At the end my 12 year old told my husband, we are an always family aren't we. When he told me that, I thought, "Oh we sure try to be, but you just keep thinking that in your little head though!"

    Sorry about the long comment I don't have your email anymore for some reason.

  3. That is a great talk Jen. We are using that as part of our Girls Camp theme this year.


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