February 26, 2010

yup. ice cream for BREAKFAST!!!

my kids had a PERFECT week-- chores, piano, violin, perfect attendance at scripture time in the morning.
they all MEMORIZED the 10 commandments and Moses 33:11  And God spoke to Moses face to face, as a friend speaketh to another (yes, i typed it from memory)...
so, we surprised them.
i was so excited i told a random guy that i saw at the gym this morning...
guess what we're having for breakfast?
the professor laughed and rolled his eyes at me.
(did i tell you i ALMOST wake my kids up on Christmas morning?)

i warned them NOT to tell their teachers...
we'll see about that.


  1. Mom of the year award coming right up!!! I remember my favorite breakfasts were when my dad was in charge. He would make a donut run to Albertsons. We thought that was the best thing ever!!!!

  2. You are the best mom evah! My kids want to come live at your house. Seriously....they've asked. :)

  3. Jen - sorry, this is unrelated to your post, but how do you get your pictures to show up side by side? I've tried and tried and tried, and I can't get it to work. I switched my layout to stretch and chose "none" for the layout when uploading the photos, but they are still stacked on top of each other. Can you help? :) thanks!

  4. Lol. Guess Ellie forgot to heed the warning. My class thought that was the coolest thing ever. :)


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