February 01, 2010

i lost ONE pound.

this is me... when i got home from the gym today.
lily was all wet from her night diaper so i stripped her down.
have i told you how much i LOVE babies.
love, love, love them.

and, i ran for 30 minutes straight today.
not fast (5mph), but running without walking in between.
i usually go 3 miles... this morning i ran 2.25 and did .75 warm-up and cool-down.
goal number one: run for 30 minutes... check!

and... i lost ONE pound.
a solid number down without the up and down swirling numbers.
hmm.  it did take me since SEPTEMBER.  but, nonetheless it was a victory.

i want to run 3 miles every morning first at 6mph then 7mph.
and not hate it.
this is my ultimate goal... 
not a grand accomplishment, but considering that when i first started i was DYING after 30 seconds i'm feeling good.
(and to loose 15-20 pounds... totally in the NORMAL weight for my BMI... and, if i don't have a baby before i get to this point, considering my current weight-loss trend, i should loose 20 pounds by the time i'm 40!!)
the professor lost 3 pound by the way.  3...

so... do the 'lost one pound' dance with me today.
it looks a little like the potty dance that is a favorite around here during potty training.
ps.  if you or someone you know is potty training, pass on the tip...
the potty dance works better than candy.
it goes like this...
potty, potty!!
you went potty!
now we'll do the potty dance...
potty, potty, potty!!!
it involves a lot of arm swinging and twirling.
fun, fun.
pps.  funny that i wrote this post today, because this morning i did NOT want to get out of bed.  i told todd twice to leave without me.  but, after 3 kids climbed into bed with me (5am) i figured i might as well go running because i wasn't going to get any sleep here anyway.
we put a movie on for the kids (jakob is 11 now and we do leave him for short spurts with the kids)... and i dragged my lazy bum to the gym.  i LOVE spending that time with the professor in the morning.  sweating together is very bonding.  most days.  except that he is always cheerful and talkative and i am CRANKY.  when we're done he feels energized and i'm exhausted.  he says he feels great and i feel like i got hit by a train.
but, today... i felt a little good.  i did fall asleep during scripture time and the professor's rendition of Cain and Abel.  but... i woke in time to send the kids off armed for 100 day... jakob, 100 beads; drew, 100 armbands; anna, 100 hair things; ellie, looked like she was 100 years old, and 100 bracelets.
anna called an hour after she got to school crying because her head hurt.  i told her to ask her teacher to take out the 100 hair bows.  she said, "really?"  i said, "yup!"  she said, "OK." and hung up the phone.
problem 53 solved!!
oh what a morning.

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing the potty dance right now!!! Is it like the kind of dance you do when you have to go, because that is the kind I am doing, so I am typing really fast!!! I could totally be losing my mind if I have told you this like a hundred times now, but on that diet, the veggies are unlimited and so are the low cal surgar free stuff. I sent you a package today and I did put that in there but if you are doing that diet now I wanted you to know that.


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