September 21, 2010

a few things.

So, I wasn't going to blog today, because i didn't think i had any great thing to write.
i went grocery shopping yesterday.
i went to the thrift store while my groceries melted in the car.
i'm still spotting... (ugh.)
but my doctor says the baby is fine- only 2-3% miscarriage rate after you see a healthy heartbeat... 

i bought a norman rockwell book, for $1.  my favorite picture is the mother spanking her child (above).
i love it.  (the mom's reading a child psychology book)

and, i bought this cute little pedestal...

and, lily's cute zebra shirt...

and, i have this sign, that i love, and i really want a black dinner bell to hang by it...

and, i LOVE leah's family pictures... they're cute huh?!
and, i bought pumpkins... so, i'm starting my Halloween decor...

and.  that's all i got.


  1. love your finds. i have the very same pedestal!... from Hoblob on clearance. :)
    Lily & Leah are getting so big. They look darling. Every girl needs a zebra print.
    We'll be praying for you from UT.


  2. Such cute stuff, Jen. YOu always find the best things. I wish my house was cute like yours. I'll have to work on that:) I'll keep praying that things go well for you and #7.

  3. My Sweet Friend! I am sorry to hear that you are spotting with this baby, but rest at ease (as much as possible) I spotted with Wes almost the entire time! It sucks and tests your strength A LOT. But in the end everything will work out. Prayers are with you!!

  4. compote. Bowls on pedestals are called compotes. I collect white ones. :)

  5. LOVE Leah's family drawings. So cute. pumpkins. :)


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