September 20, 2010

friends and bows.

anna with her friend adelaide-- aren't they cute together?!
we had a fun, friend-filled weekend.
friends and hair bows on Friday.
practices, birthday parties, baptisms, ice cream socials and football games on Saturday.
and, company all day Sunday.

my house is clean- thanks to my ever diligent husband (i went to bed early last night).
and, i feel full.
life is full with friends.
this is our sweet friend Abby, from China, trying to convince my kids to try a little taste of her rice cake...  she came to church with us and then ate jello with mandarin oranges for the first time in her life.  :)  just doing my American duty. 

i'm always glad when i step out of my comfort zone to include others.
so, remind me of this as i begin my winter/pregnant hibernation.
people are good.
think... lots of bow times 4 girls...  (my favorite is the white crinkle one on the left... you can't see it too well in this picture.)
and, these headbands made me smile... i had saved a lemon bag from the store that we cut up. 

bad picture, but you can see the white clip better... it has tulle under it... it's cute.
 So, have a good Monday.
i think i'm going grocery shopping.
and, maybe to a few thrift stores... i'm feeling thrifty this morning.

i'm just not ready to decorate for halloween.
i'm kinda likin' my plain- un-decorated home.
does this make me a stick in the mud mother?
maybe next week...


  1. i have a fun halloween decor idea. and it involves thrift stores. it might get you excited about decorating? we must talk

  2. Love the white one too! They all are really cute. I love making bows/flowers/headbands. So fun!


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