September 23, 2010

what a girl wants...

i've always considered myself a country girl.
i've always wanted horses and an old farmhouse.
my dream would be to have my husband out farming and me at home making bread and drying our clothes on the clothesline.
it's not my fault, i grew up with a horse infatuation... in virginia.
have you seen virginia horse farms?

yeah.  that's what i grew up dreaming of.

only, i'm realizing that i did not marry a horse farmer...
(or cowboy, but please don't tell the professor it would break his heart)
and, i'm really not a cowgirl

at this transition time of life, i'm not sure what to do.
do i give up my dreams?
or do i fight to get them?
and really... what do i want?  and why do i want it?

i like to mentally decorate, and to dream of my "future" house.
i think, we will graduate this year.
rent for a year wherever we move...
and buy a house.
i don't think we'll be in that house, maybe 3 years, then we'll move again.
and stay.
that's my life according to jen.
(was it just me, or did you also hear a little smile from the heavens?)

i think someday we will have money.
and someday i will have a house of my dreams.
only... when that day comes... i need to know what i want.
what is the house of my dreams?

i'm prejudice against big houses and fancy neighborhoods.
i hate them.
but, i have a lot of kids, and i want land.

right now, i think i want a white farmhouse.
like this

with a kitchen like this
a ktichen window like this

dining room like this

and bedrooms like this

and... a backyard like this

but, i don't think i'll ever get it.
i think i'm a city girl.
married to a professor.
with city kids and someday, a tiny indoor dog.
just sayin'


  1. keep dreaming! I like your dreams!

  2. what beautiful dreams you have. aren't we lucky that we can own a piece of all of these things because we can post them to our blogs. you own this dream. ;) I have horrible feeling htat i am going to wake up one day needed a jen fix- and you will be gone. there is comfort knowing you are just down the street- but we should probably see eachother sometime- i say

  3. what beautiful dreams you have. aren't we lucky that we can own a piece of all of these things because we can post them to our blogs. you own this dream. ;) I have horrible feeling htat i am going to wake up one day needed a jen fix- and you will be gone. there is comfort knowing you are just down the street- but we should probably see eachother sometime- i say

  4. lol. Unfortunately, old farmhouses have NONE of those things (except land) unless you spend a fortune to add on to them! I haven't even shown my bedroom because it's too small to take a picture!

    But the land is worth it! 100%.

  5. I would love an old farm house- it's my favorite. I like that we have lots of room in our house, but since we haven't been able to fill it up with kids it just seems big to me, and the outside looks too big. I liked our Boise house- it was light yellow with a porch and shingles on the windows- so cute. I've been wanting to get something smaller and just the right size for us. I'd love an old farmhouse out in the country, too. Just as long as I'm close enough to Walmart and Target, lol.

  6. It's perfect - totally made for you. Don't give up your dreams! Just pray, and keep dreaming. :) I have similar dreams, but fear I may end up in a mud hut in Africa instead. ;)


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