December 23, 2010

2 days till Christmas...

the girls made gingerbread houses...
and the boys went to a texas tech basketball game (thanks whitby's)...
Halfway through the night my sister said, "I'm so glad I'm a girl."  Cute huh?!

and guess what... while we were mixing the icing, my beaters broke.
if you read my last post you will know why this is so funny!
everything we own is breaking this month.
we were having some technical difficulties with construction- so i pulled out my glue gun.
yup.  i hot glued our houses.

someday i'm going to graduate from graham crackers to real gingerbread.

for sure we went to bed with our tummies full and visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads!!

 someone in our house is still dreaming of little white farmhouses...
 Merry Christmas!!


  1. Hah! Hot-glued the houses?! I love it! Seriously, that's hilarious . . . and ingenuitive. They turned out great.

  2. Wait, how the heck are you guys going to eat those things?

    Hot glue? Sounds delish...

  3. glue guns are AMAZING. my mom melts sugar - yes just sugar, and it makes an edible glue. it is pretty hot- but works so well. I, do hot glue on my houses. nobody wamts to eat the actual house part anyways. derdi has been yelling at some cute little kids that have been leaving things on our doorstep. hope they are having fun with it...


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