January 25, 2011

my life in pictures.

Have i told you i really like my kids?
Jakob did dishes on Sunday night...
he thought he was so funny when he took a picture of MY (healthy) soup...
and then HIS (dishwater) soup.
He kept saying... "Mom, i made dinner for tomorrow night!"

Anna was cranky yesterday...  when i went to bed i found her sweet apology.

 Mom, I love you so much!
I'm sooo Sorry for not lissning to you!
cute huh?!
i still have hole punched hearts all in my pajamas...
{i'm excited to leave her a "i love you too" love note on her pillow today}
aren't girls fun?!

It snowed, a dusting, last night.
my kids were so excited.
leah came into my room all decked out in hat, scarf, gloves, boots, coat...
telling me to hurry up so i could help her make a SNOWMAN!!
i explained there was not enough snow for a snowman.
she was determined to prove me wrong.
a bit later, she found me and explained that now i needed to turn on a movie for her, wrap her in a blanket, and give her hot chocolate with marshmallows. 
"Because that's what you do for little girls that are freezing."
She said, "I don't know that, but i think some man told me that before.  So can you mom?"

i sure love these kids!!
(even when i'm pregnant!)

ps- you know michelle is going to end up in the finals-- they always pick the weird, mean ones.
it'll probably be michelle and emily- final two.
i think this bachelor is nice, but he needs a little more counseling.  way too nice.
he needs to be a bit more assertive when girls interupt him...
he needs to stop kissing girls because they are emotionally unstable...
and, i'm not sure i like him with any of the girls i've seen so far.
i'm glad he has to start kicking girls out... still too many weirdos.
Emily Maynard from The Bachelor 2011 Season 15 with Brad Womack
pps- the professor says i'm most like emily.
he's so funny.  and has an odd sense of optimism... 
EVERY movie we watch, he says i look and act like the HEROINE. 
even when i'm obviously NOT like the heroine.  and, i'm not a southern belle. 
he says, "you're loving and kind like she is." 
please, let's not shatter his sweet "reality".


  1. Yes, girls are fun! Can you believe you'll have 5 of them pretty soon?

    Anna is too cute and I loved that Leah insisted you give her hot chocolate. ♥

    As soon as Aimee woke up this morning she wanted to go out in the snow.

  2. LOVE the apology note!

    I hope it's Emily, though there are a few others I wouldn't mind seeing. I re-watched the "coming this season" part from the 1st episode, and it looks like he keeps Ashley around til the end. Really? Bleh. Also, I have to wonder if the producers tell them they HAVE to let themselves be interrupted, b/c it's like that EVERY season! Still, so weird! (I'm so glad I'm not the only person I know watching it... :-))

  3. Spencer insisted we make a snowman this morning. He said, "Mom, its Christmas again!"

    I think Emily will be one of the final girls too. :)


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