March 01, 2011

bows and headbands.

remember this--
Pretty Little Me Felt Flower Headband
it is DARLING.
and, i want to buy it.  You can buy it here.
but, i decided to TRY and make it...
this is what i came up with... 
Mine's not as cute-- but it was free.

while i was hair clip making, i pulled out some of the ribbon i had saved from my baby shower packaging...
i think our bow supply is sufficiently updated--

Oh, little girls... little girls...

We were at church yesterday and the cute baby in front of us climbed over. 
(Meaning- I made faces at him the whole meeting until I finally couldn't take it any more and I stole him from his mother.  Yes, I'm VERY ready for my own baby to distract me during church.)
Anyway, the little girls and I were playing with him for awhile and leah said with surprise and a little bit of disgust, "Mom, this is a BOY baby."
I chuckled.  I'm not sure she even knows what to do with BOY babies.
And, i really do LOVE little girls.
just sayin'.

ps- this is MARCH... do you know i'm having a baby THIS month?!!
yup... 17 days doesn't sound very long to me...
although, to me, tonight sounds like a good night to have a baby!


  1. So cute! So talented. I wish you a happy, soon-approaching labor. :)

  2. They turned out cute! Have you offically decided on Eve? I saw a shower gift with that name embroidered . . .

  3. you are the cutest. I wouldn't even have thought to save my ribbon to make bows. Too bad you are moving before I have my baby. I would definitely be hiring you to help me make all this cuteness.


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