March 02, 2011

make a moby.

this moby can handle an 8.5 month pregnant belly and a 2 year old.  :)
yes, i made a moby wrap.
it was simple-- two seams and some cutting.
I used a 40% off coupon at JoAnn's and bought 3 yards of ribbed knit fabric.
(I did look at my Walmart and they didn't have any cute knit for less than $5 a yard.)
I cut the fabric in half down the fold line, giving me 6 yards of fabric only 22.5 inches wide.
I didn't just want to sew the two pieces together- because I didn't want a seam down the middle where you would see it, so I cut one 3 yard piece in half (1.5 yards each) and i sewed them both to the ends of the other 3 yard piece.  Sorry if this is confusing- it really wasn't difficult.
The trickiest part-- figuring out what stitch to use when sewing two pieces of knit together.
The BEST is to use a serger- which I don't have.
I used the STRETCH STITCH... on my machine it looks like a teeny-tiny zig zag stitch..
Two seams later I was done!
I also stitched a little heart in front middle so I could easily center the wrap when I'm trying to wrap myself.

We'll see if I love it.
I'm glad I'll have the option to try it out... and it only cost me $15, so I won't be too dissappointed if I have to repurpose the knit later on.
I REALLY thought it would be fun to have my baby yesterday- 3-1-11 (remember I have 4 other kids born on the first of the month.)
But, for now, my lily will have to get all of our baby lovin'.

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