July 10, 2011

guess what?

we got an offer on our house.
someone wants to buy it.
for our asking price.
i'm so grateful, and excited...
i'm still holding my breath.
in case.

my neighbor asked if there was an included prayer fee- for her.
yup!  i'm asking the Lord to repay ALL of your prayers with a 6% commission.
thank you!

we're driving to oregon on wednesday...
i can't even wait to see the town where we will be living...
i hope i love my new house (we're renting)--
i've only seen it on craig's list.

happy sunday!!


  1. i hope it works out! tell me when/ and where to return your garage opener when the time comes

  2. no sir?!?! how fabulous. What a wonderful blessing for you guys. I have friends and family selling homes all over the country and you are the first i've heard of who have sold. yay!

  3. That is seriously great news!!
    I can't wait to hear about your new town and house.
    Miss talkin' to ya!

  4. Can wait to see pics of your new home! Missss yooouuuu!!

  5. Congrats...what a blessing! And you're right...Oregon will grow on you. It's a lot different than Texas, both in scenery and culture, but...I grew up there, so I can tell you that there is MUCH to love about it. I miss it dearly, every day. :) Hang in there while you transition!!


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